Jul 7, 2010

Art of Awkwardness .. part ?

I love watching other people in awkward situations, but when its me being the awkwardee, then its a TOTAL different story.

So being school holidays and all, I've been working pretty much everyday this week. And being school holidays and all, EVERYONE is at the shopping centre trying to get into those sales everywhere, so it's inevitable that they're bound to get hungry. It's lunchtime, I'd probably say just past the peak of rush hour (lunch) but not entirely finished, so maybe around 1pm. There's about fifteen or so people lined up at all three cashiers, I'm in the middle. There's this couple, an Aboriginal couple (before I go any further, I would like to say that I am not being racial or stereotyping Aboriginal people), they're probably early 40's to mid 40's. I do the usual meet and greet ...

Hi, how are you? What would you like today?

The two don't answer, so I take that as they're still deciding what to eat. In the mean time, the couple start pulling out money from all possible pockets pulling out all loose change, 20c, 10c, 5c and an occassional $1 they'd find. About twenty seconds of rumaging through their pockets, the lady yells out, for all other customers to hear ...

Go pay for your slut!

She throws all her loose change at the counter in front of me and walks off, before taking one final glance at me. You do not understand how awkward I was feeling at the very moment. I didn't know what to say to the man left stranded at the counter, having to pick up all the loose change. I looked around hoping no one else heard what the lady had called me. So being the best cashier I could be I finally pucked up the courage to say something ...

How may I help you today sir?

Stupidest thing to say! He man just shakes his head and slowly begins to pick up all the loose change. The lady behind him just tried her best not to laugh and not look at my lost face. All I could think of was, was she calling me a slut? And what have I ever done to her? Such an embarassing moment, everyone watching and listening, I couldn't exactly hide either, which made it worse. Don't know if this relates, but last week I was asked at work if I was pregnant, because I called in sick one MORNING. Any links there? ;) LOL

p.s: I finally get my results from uni tomorrow! WISH ME LUCK =D

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