Jul 24, 2010

Power to the woman

Couple of days ago a friend said something that struck me. She said, that women are very intriguing. They have such an amazing intuition when it comes to guys and everything else in life, its just inexplainable. Which is absolutely 100%, and in my case it makes me vulnerable. I had a little dilemma which involved a guy and a couple of mixed signals both returning and receiving. Using my "womanly intuition" I was able to interpret these signs as a possible reciprocal relationship. Yet problem is, he has a girlfriend. How you wonder how the whole vulnerable part plays in? See this is another extraordinary fact about the woman's mind. Unlike most males, we tend to step back and evaluate the situation beforehand rather than jumping the gun and possibly making fools of ourselves. If I was to continue returning the signals, I'd be making a fool of myself and also being shut down risking utter embarrassment. Life is so freaking complex, yet women always know a way out of complexity .. me on the other hand .. I struggle.

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