Sep 20, 2010

it's never too early to wish ;)

Christmas is around the corner and well .. here's my list:

- DVD's DVD's DVD's: I'm currently trying to finish about 5 collections. Scarlett Johansson, Ryan Reynolds, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman and Disney/Pixar films. I can happily say .. I am no where near finished any of these =D
- CLOTHING: I love the printed tee's. The old vintage type ones with those stupid saying =P .. well not really stupid, just very "creative"
- BAG: I want another "Urban Originals" bag or a backpack I can take to uni. Sick and tired of the pains in my shoulder having to hold all my heavy books!
- TICKETS: for Good Vibes 11', please please please?
- SHOES: been looking everywhere for a specific design in chucks, that say "i heart...." totally cute! Or the all black chuck. Classic styles
- BOOKS: you can never have enough books ;). Lately I've been looking at love stories in the time of war, been looking for particular ones and the one that really interests me is the one from the Australian War Memorial... "Stories of Love & War From the Collection of Australian War Memorial". I've also taken an interest in myths and legends. I have one about the heroes of Greek mythology and I'd like to look into Chinese myths and legends. The Chinese have thousands of legends that are just pure intriguing.

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