Sep 20, 2010

"No one mourns the wicked"

Yesterday, I had the most memorable, spectacular, amazing, no words could describe it day in a while. Yesterday, I got to experience several events, all in one place, all in one day.

Guess it all started about the time when I woke up from pure excitement, because it was the day I would finally get to see WICKED @ the Capitol Theatre, with my dearest friend Josie. Show didn't start till around 3pm so we decided to "bum" around for a bit, check out the city, explore a little.

So like the asians we are, we went to Haymarket for a little lunch and what not. It was a typical Sunday, asians everywhere, sipping on their soups, slurping their noodles, gulping down their bubble teas, taking pictures, shopping, shopping, shopping, taking more photos, the usual. Little did Josie and I know, the Moon Festival was on, and mooncakes were everywhere! Now a mooncake, is like a paste-filled biscuit. They're sold in most asian stores, but their biggest significance is on the Moon Festival, which celebrates the moon, in short. There were asians everywhere buying mooncakes and celebrating. It was very magical.

Josie and I decided we'd seen enough mooncakes to last us a lifetime, so we moved down to the Chinese gardens, after getting our Easyway ofcourse ;). I had seen a lot of photos from people, who are sitting in front of the waterfall looking "non-chalant" (doesn't work with me unfortunately =P), so we decided let's check out this waterfall. The view was beautiful, although small, was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was even nicer seeing people walk pass in traditional clothes, taking photos by the lake or the waterfall with theirpalms together. But it was funnier seeing people walk pass in traditional clothes, with runners on. So as asian as we were (mainly Josie), we took photos by the bushes, the waterfall, the koi fish, the bridge, the stones, the waterfall, the bushes, the big tree, the benches, the trees, you know it. Just as we were about to leave, everyone was crowding around this little meetingarea, and there was slow music playing in the background. Next thing I see are three women walking down an aisle with white rose bouquets, black strapless dresses, and a man at the end of the aisle wearing a black tux and white tie, with a white rose in this top pocket. Wedding. How sweet, a nice small wedding. The wife looked beautiful =), she walkeddown with her mother, and the traditional "here comes the bride music was playing". How sweeet.

By that time, it was 2.30pm so we quickly walked back to Capitol Theatre to get ready for the show to start. Small theatre, beautiful architecture, sophisticated atmosphere. The seats we were sitting in had a pretty great view, Dress Circle, row K in the middle. My latest obsession: WICKED! And no, my favourite song was not Defying Gravity, although it was one of my favourites, "The Wizard and I" was my favourite, next to "As Long As You're Mine". The girl who played Elphaba was spectacular! LOVED LOVED LOVED HER!!! The guy who was meant to play Fiyero, Rob Mills, think moved back to Melbourne, so I was kinda scared we'd get some weirdo who can't sing, but we got Tim Campbell, who by surprise was pretty good. Thoroughly enjoyed his performance. Overall, BEST MUSICAL! (sorry Moulin Rouge).

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