Nov 30, 2010

Day 7

"Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality"
These are extracts from the first site that came up on Google after searching Aries...

- Aries is a uniquely naive sign. Although they are independent, outgoing and assertive they are also surprisingly trusting, often innocently walking into the lion's den at times...
- Their gift is hat they are always children at heart and the world is always a magical place for them...
- No wonder woman born under Aries are forceful, dynamic and aggressive, and as a result these Aries women frequently find themselves with dilemmas surrounding their romantic relationships...
- A man had to be a "real man" to deal with an Aries woman, otherwise she intimidates him...
- Adventurous, independent and have competitive natures...
- Impulsive, act first, ask questions or have doubts later. Thats why their lives are filled with so much drama and sometimes accidents...
- Often travel to escape any feelings of being stuck or possessed...
- Love challenges. If everything is running smoothly, they are quite capable of going out and doing something to rock the boat...

This has me written all over ;)

Nov 29, 2010

Day 6

"Write 30 interesting facts about yourself"
  1. I like to collect dolls, not barbies, more like stuffed animals. Almost every corner of my room contains some sort of toy.
  2. I work at a pet store, and yet have no pets of my own. Also I study animal science at uni, and I'm the only person who doesn't own a pet.
  3. I like reading classic stories, such as Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland.
  4. I tend to apologize for everything, even if it wasn't my fault.
  5. I listen to possibly every kind of music; it's scares people.
  6. I used to have dreams about attending Hogwarts. I'm still waiting for my letter ;).
  7. I've never been surprised before in my life. By surprise I mean someone or a group of people plan something for me without me noticing. I wanna see what happens.
  8. I like picking baby names for my future kids.
  9. I'm loud when I want to be.
  10. Singing in the car with my friends is an old past time.
  11. I wouldn't call myself a stalker, but rather an admirer, from a distance ;).
  12. I'm too scared to get another piercing in my ear.
  13. People call me tough and strong because I yell a lot and hit people. Little do they know I'm actually the biggest wuss.
  14. I used to be scared of the dark until the age of 14. To this very day, I dislike being in the dark, but I'm not afraid of it.
  15. I'm very picky about everything. Food, boys, clothes you name it.
  16. I watch a lot of movies and t.v shows. One of my life long ambitions is to one day own so many DVD's to occupy a bookshelf as wide and tall as my bedroom wall.
  17. I say I'm very environmentally friendly but not as much as I'd like to be.
  18. I tend to get jealous very easily and I feel a lot of guilt.
  19. If I has to choice to be good at singing or dancing, I'd choose to dance.
  20. When and if I have the guts to, I want a tattoo of a peace sign on my wrist, a strawberry behind my ear, a phoenix on my back and some sort of writing that goes along my spine.
  21. My nephew and I said last year that we would never stoop so low as to apply for a job at a fast food joint. We caved in, he got a job at McDonald's and I got a job at Red Rooster. It was the best decision of my life.
  22. People tend to come to me for advice, but when I need advice, people seem lost and confused.
  23. After 19 years of my life, I went to my first concert this year. My dad even beat me to the punch, he went to three concerts before my first.
  24. I spend my money on some of the most useless stuff. Couple of years ago, went all out with the pokemon cards. Didn't even know what to do with them.
  25. Once I've got the money to go, I want to travel. Thailand for the beaches and parties. UK for the white pastey men and site seeing. LA for the shopping and Disneyland. Miami for Disneyland and beach and Africa for the safaris.
  26. Favourite animal is the giraffe =).
  27. Favourite colour is blue and red =).
  28. Love sushi and sushi trains.
  29. I'm too nice. It's a weakness.
  30. I am really bored and now tired.

Nov 28, 2010

guilty pleasures

#5: stroking super soft skin, especially a baby's skin

#4: browsing for baby clothes and thinking what I would dress my kids in

#3: picking future baby names and telling everyone

Day 5

"A time you thought about ending your own life"
Never have. We were brought to this earth for a particular purpose. Why would we selfishly take our lives when we haven't fulfilled our purpose yet? It's selfish not only to ourselves but to everyone else in the world who is yet to see the greatness and talent we have to bestow.

Day 4

"Your views on religion"
I'm Catholic. But not a very good one at it. I don't go to church as much as I should. I don't embrace my religion as much as I would like. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on religion, so I do not argue with people who question God, because I know that he does exist. I cannot force people to sway one way or another when it comes to religion. They will see the light and when that day comes we'll all be there with open arms. What I do wonder is why some families marry within religions or within certain castes. A friend told me about her friend at uni who is only allowed to date guys of not only her same ethnicity, same religion and caste. What I do have an opinion on is that nothing should get in the way of who you choose to spend your life with. Regardless of religion, ethnicity, colour or sex, people should be entitled to be with who they choose, because in the dark we are all the same anyway right?

Day 3

"Your views on drugs and alcohol"
I'm not a big drinker, but when I do go out drinking with friends I don't go overboard. I find getting drunk in public places embarrassing and humiliating. I mean why must someone expose themselves like that to everyone? What kind of impression is that going to give people don't know? But I do enjoy the occasional drink here and there. The only drugs I take are prescription medications, nothing for stress or mental illness or depression, just medication for my diabetes. I've heard of drug abuse and drug use stories from some friends and I hear how it tears families apart, emotionally, financially and physically. I would never do such a thing to hurt my friends and families, not even if it's a one off thing.

Day 2

I cheat on these things anyway =P

"Where'd you like to be in 10 years?"
29 years old, first off, alive. Finished university, hopefully doing more study if I am interested in more study. Living on my own, well not really on my own, maybe with a couple of friends at a beach home near Coogee or in a studio apartment in the city. Successful job doing some type of research or welfare work for animals. Travelling the globe. Possibly got a boyfriend ;). Rich. Plenty of pets (dogs). Still in contact with all my good friends and finally, doing plenty of conservation work around the world.

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

Found this "30 Day Challenge" on someones Tumblr. Here's Day 1:

"Your current relationship status? If single discuss why?"
Single and very happy. I don't find it very necessary for someone of my age to be tied down to a man especially when I'm pretty content with what's going on with my life right now with my friends and family. Yes, I would like to not be single one day, but at the moment I am not intentionally looking for a man. When the time is right, it will happen. Right now there's nothing wrong with a little flirting and perving from a distance.

Nov 14, 2010

"people think a soulmate, success, money, car and houses will bring happiness... when really its the other way around"