Aug 4, 2010


haven't done this in a while, but I'm pretty bored at the moment, so I thought I'd reminisce about the good ol' days ... so here it goes, 16 random facts about me =D

1. I still have no idea what I wish to accomplish with the course I'm doing at uni, and it scares the heck out of me. I do animal science, yet I have never had a pet in my life or had any first hand experiences handling animals until I started university.

2. Certain songs that I listen to, remind me of certain time in my life or of certain "people" (if you catch my drift), most of which I have linked together myself. For example, the song "This is me" from Camp Rock, reminds me of the last couple of days before HSC officially began and I experienced a terrible emotional wreckage.

3. I can't save money to save my life. As soon as I get paid, I go on one massive shopping spree, mainly for DVD's, which bugs my mum so much. One day when I move out into my own house, I plan to have literally an entire library of DVD's.

4. I went to my first concert officially this year on my birthday. My dad went to his first concert way before I did. It was the BEST day of my life.

5. After watching Toy Story 3, I never want to give my toys away, NEVER.

6. I sometimes lie to people about the mini "adventures" I'll be taking in the next couple of years so I can hear them say they'll miss me, or beg me to not go. Like I plan to move to the U.K with my sister and finish my studies there, no one says anything.

7. I love to daydream, especially just before going to bed and during lectures. I daydream of the most cliche things, like meeting a guy who will love me, getting married, getting myself into midlife crisis's about guys, travelling around the world and one of my favourite things to daydream about, when two guys fight over the same girl, i.e. me. (yeah I know, how LAME of me)

8. Lately I've been really excited about babies and the notion of having babies. I think babies are the most beautiful things in the world.

9. One of these days, when I've finished university, got a stable job, that pays heaps, I plan to move out in a house that overlooks the beach, tall glass window, with a balcony where I can sit at night or early in the morning and watch the ocean and sun rise and set. I want my own little library and DVD library in my house which is hidden away in a secret passageway, a backyard with a rainforest backdrop, three dogs names Finn, Pinkie and OJ.

10. People think it's weird that I find certain women hot, such as Scarlett Johansson and Katy Perry. Well to them I say, open your minds and maybe when you're older you'll understand.

11. I've been working at Red Rooster for just over 8 months and despite that aggravating customers and complaints, I could never be happier than when I'm at work with my friends laughing over stupid things.

12. Along with collecting DVD's, I also collect a variety of classic books such as Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and The Tell-Tale Heart. I kinda want to, but at the same time haven't really started it, collect old books from secondhand book stores, with those special messages written on the inside, like in "Definitely, Maybe, Yes", when Isla Fisher collected Jane Eyre books hoping to find the one book with her dad's message in it.

13. My worst fear is being alone. Not being able to either help anyone, no one needing my help, or when people have neglected and abandoned me. Luckily no one had done that.

14. I didn't think this was such an OCD thing, but before I go to bed I turn my alarm clock on and off, on and off because I get paranoid that it won't go off in the morning and I end up rushing to get to work or uni. Every time I get out of bed or tuck myself in again, I have to turn my alarm on and off again. Also another OCD thing is that I hate peas, so whenever I'm eating fried rice or something that's got peas in it, I must take out all the peas and leave them aside.

15. I've met some of the most amazing people ever this year. And they make me feel young again.

16. I've recently gotten into "Man v.s Wild" and every time I get hungry or someone else gets hungry and there's nothing to eat, I quickly think of my Man v.s Wild skills. It's heaps lame!

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