Aug 5, 2010

Inception - Mind blowing indeed

So I was saving this movie for one of my close friends. Unfortunately it was kinda impossible since he already had advance screening tickets and I was working that night, and other people wanted to watch it with me. So i felt obligated to watch it with them.

So here's the breakdown. There's this guy who has awesome skills of jumping into your dreams and technically steals, Leo DiCaprio. He's like your average guy, with a family on the side who he never sees, also whom we never see till the very end. Leo's offered the deal of a lifetime, implant an idea in some random guys head and you'll be with your family again.

Now, here's where the movie starts to get complicated. Inception - implanting an idea into someone else's subconscious. Inception requires to go in a dream, within a dream, within that dream. SO, in short, three dreams in total. Nuff said right? Easy enough right? Nothing is ever easy or simple in this movie. Which is what makes the movie was awesome. Yet, it doesn't exceed the boundaries of complexity. It borderlines overcomplexity and moderate complexity. So yeah, in short, it doesn't make you feel dumb if you don't understand it the first time. I could recount how many times I sat in the cinema, asking my friend next to me, "so which dream are they in?", "why is he there?", "what's going on?". And I can bet that I wasn't the only one thinking this.

On to the acting, SUPERB!!! Top actors and actresses remaining true to their roles. But I must say, best performance, by Marion. Despite her attempts at hiding her French accent, she was insanely scary, but in a good way. One of my favourite scenes, when Ellen Page enters Leo's dream of the night his wife (Marion) died in the hotel room on the night of their anniversary. The look of Marion's face as they continue up the elevator, and the way she just overshadows Ellen Page, BEAUTIFUL!!!

One other scene which caught my eye was the fight scene in the hotel corridor with JGL. Which brings me to the effects. FUCKING AWESOME!!! Words can't describe it! Seriously.

My rating .. 5 corn chips out of 5, 10 out of 10 gold stars! A+, all of the above.

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