Aug 21, 2010

"Your kindness amazes me..."

Since when was kindness a sin? Or why is it, that every time I attempt to be nice, it gets thrown back at my face and used as a dish rag, then is continuously torn and trampled over? I was told that my kindness amazes people. That despite the crap I go through in life, I still manage to live life with a smile on my face and become even kinder to those who hurt me. I can't exactly comprehend and explain it, but another friend managed to summon it up to "when you're smitten with someone, you go overboard". It got me thinking then, about the last couple of incidences when I went "overboard". I guess the first early memory I have was in year 3, maybe earlier, but this is the most significant one I can remember. It was recess or lunchtime can't remember the exact time, but our class was eating indoors and some guy asked for my chocolate. I kept saying no, kinda the thing I do which is play hard to get, ish (=P). Anyway, this went on for all lunch and about halfway through lunch, I gave in and went back to him and gave him my chocolate. Minor as this seems, it's seemed to have escalated into to degree where my kindness not only makes people smile, but also sickens them. I just can't seem to please people, which sickens me...

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