Aug 12, 2009

my latest obsession

alright, so over the past couple of weeks i've been finally reading New Moon, you know the sequel to the infamous Twilight? Yeah, and i know i'm going to get fried for reading New Moon, especially by Katrina and Cesar, but in my defence, i didn't like the movie. So yeah anyway, i've been reading it for a couple of weeks, and previously i was what some teenies call a "Team Edward" fan. Yet recently after reading New Moon, reading about Jacob Black's amazing growth spurt, more tall, muscular, tanned to even taller, more masculine, and cropped hair, DUDE! As Cesar puts it, "teenage orgasm!". Jacob is so hot! I sound like such a tb, hehehehe. Some Taylor/Jacob fans are insane. Here's a comment from a YouTube video on Taylor and Robert on the Tyra Show: "omg i used to date taylor. he lost his virginity to me, but he dumped me cous my vagina ..." yeah i don't remember the rest, the comment now has been deleted. Shame =P, first time i saw it i laughed.

"Team Jacob!"

That's all i wanted to share =D.

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