Aug 19, 2009

people these days

So yesterday, i took the train home from East Richmond to Marayong with my friend Miz .. we got to about Windsor and there was this girl on the seat to our left. Miz was reading her book and i was playing bejeweled on my phone, the other girl was reading her book too .. Till she rang someone and all hell broke loss (not really)

This girl, had the loudest voice ever! She was on the phone to on of her friends and OMG! HAVE SOME RESPECT BITCH TO OTHER PEOPLE IN THE CARRIAGE! From what i remember:

"OMG, did you hear that Jennifer is going out with Glen's best friend? ... YEAH! totally i know right, i can't believe she did that .. You know that guy from Canberra? He is like your friends friend .. Yeah Steve, anyway he had a housewarming up there and she met him and they formed their own little group and starting to go on outings .. YEAH! I KNOW RIGHT!"

Sure the conversation sounds nice to eavesdrop on, but this girl was in her 20's or something, i'd say 22, and she was talking on the phone like some teenager with juicy gossip. HAVE SOME RESPECT BITCH! This conversation went on from Windsor to Marayong, where i got off, yet she was still on the phone by the time i got off the train .. Who know's how long she was talking for.

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