- One Tree Hill Seasons
- Fisheye camera
- Shoes
- New dress
- Marc Jacobs Lola perfume
- New wallet
- Denim shorts
- Masterchef, Masterclass DVD
- Doggie =)
Nov 26, 2009
xmas wish list
like every year, I make a list and casually tell you people that I would like certain things for christmas. Even though no one is actually going to bother its still list to make lists =D
the twilight empire and the fall of new moon
i've been looking forward to "the twilight saga: new moon" ever since, well pretty much after Twilight. I read new moon and in my opinion it was my favourite book out of the four in the series. It just touches on the mythological debate about werewolves and vampires and who evidently is the better race. I personally think werewolves are better, speaking on a non-biased opinion of new moon. Werewolves, although cannot control their shape-shifting, are four times stronger than vampires. Physically they may not be the most "attractive" mythological creatures, but they are one of the most renowned beings.
So back to Twilight/New Moon and my opinion of it. I personally disliked it. I didn't hate it, there were a couple of things here and there that caught my eye (and yes, one of them was Taylor Lautner shirtless. It's funny that after the movie was released a facebook page was devoted to Taylor Lautner shirtless, obsessed much?). I shall start with the negatives.
First off, the acting. Kristen Stewart is in my opinion one of the worst actresses in the world. Despite the fact that she looks like a genetically modified rat that was dipped in toxic waste, her acting was atrocious. What was with the abnormal screams? I mean I get she's having nightmares and all, but in all honesty who screams like that in real life? And is it even possible to scream like that in your sleep? I wouldn't know, but still, what is up with that? She did it in the first film too, when she was bitten by James and the "venom" was beginning to circulate her system and she started that random spasm of screams. Seriously woman, be realistic here.
Dialogue. OMG! How corny and stupid are the things these people say. Kids may not understand it, but people my age can feel my pain. For example, I know this was highly unintended (or was it ;)), but in the scene in the forest when Edward is informing Bella he is leaving Forks/Vancouver, Bella tells him, "I'm coming" and Edward replies with, "I don't want you to come". Know I am not the one who thought of this first, blame a wise friend of mine, but if you get me, "come" .............. Yes I know it's lame, but I wasn't the first person to notice it. I noticed it because someone else told me about it. Another line I felt was completely stupid, Bella to Jacob when she falls over the bike, "You are sorta beautiful". Ok, two things I find wrong here. It's not really wrong, I just find it so weird its just not mean't to be said. One, sorta? How can someone be sorta beautiful? If you intend to compliment someone, you wouldn't dumb it down. And the last thing, beautiful. I get it if he said it to her, but she said it to him. Beautiful is such a better word than "hot", but I just find it weird for a girl to be calling a guy beautiful. A more appropriate word would have been handsome, appealing or even attractive. I don't know, most people would have no problem with it, but I just find it highly odd. There was another line I thought was funny, I liked it.
Moving onto Robert Pattinson/Edward. Is it me, but does he look weird in New Moon? I thought he was quite "appealing" in the first film. But in New Moon, he looked WAAAAAAAAAAY to white. It was like they made him dive in a pool full of baby powder before he started filming. For a "beautiful" vampire, he sure didn't look "beautiful". And the sparkle-sparkle as I call it. Before Twilight the main theory why vampires could never walk into the sunlight was because they would turn into dust and die. I mean that's what happened in Blade and Underworld right? But in Twilight, the reason why they can't go into the sun is because they sparkle. Totally ruined my perception on vampires when I found that out. It ruined the image I perceived about vampires being majestic and noble people who loved to party at night and sleep during the day in their coffins.
Dakota Fanning. Before I start bagging her out, well not really, I thought the choice of her as Jane was an excellent choice, she has the pale skin and the bleach blonde hair to match Jane. Disappointment when I saw her appear on screen. Physically I thought she looked alright, but when she started talking I thought, ewww. The girl can't act either. And when she tried her power on Bella, her face looked so strange. It was like a mixture of constipation and drunk. I really hope she improves before the next films.
The werewolves. I was so looking forward to the werewolves and how they would put it off. At first I thought the werewolves would be much smaller, like the size of a fully grown German Shepard. But noooooo! They are pretty big, which I guess matches their strength and all. The CGI was good, yet I was overall disappointed in the wolves. Not enough of them in the film and in the little fight between Paul and Jacob, it was more of a blur rather than a fight.
Alright, now to the positives of the film. TAYLOR LAUTNER SHIRTLESS! Kidding. I shall try to think of other positives than Taylor =P. The Volturi. SPLENDID! The vampire equivalent to the government. AWESOME! Michael Sheen as Aro, awesome! He has that whole dominant/sly/creepy vibe going on. LOVE LOVE LOVE the red eyes. From reading the book my first image of Aro was an old man, hunched back sitting in his throne looking over his minions. But, he actually looked, young. And the blonde one on his left, I am not sure which one it is, I think its Caius, but he looks good too. From memory he is boy from Sweeney Todd, forgot his name, the annoying dude who kept singing that lame song.
I know I said the wolves were lame and all, but the wolves as a whole, the wolf pack were awesome! With the awesome matching tattoos, matching brown shirts, matching shorts, matching cropped hair, the idea of the wolf pack makes me happy. Gotta love them wolves. Paul is great, matches the character exactly and when I look at Sam he looks more of a Maori decent rather than a Native American decent, but still Sam does show that whole Alpha dog role. Yet as most of us know, Sam technically, isn't the Alpha male ;).
Well thats my breakdown of New Moon. Overall, if I were to give a rating out of 5 stars for new moon, I give it 2 stars.
So back to Twilight/New Moon and my opinion of it. I personally disliked it. I didn't hate it, there were a couple of things here and there that caught my eye (and yes, one of them was Taylor Lautner shirtless. It's funny that after the movie was released a facebook page was devoted to Taylor Lautner shirtless, obsessed much?). I shall start with the negatives.
First off, the acting. Kristen Stewart is in my opinion one of the worst actresses in the world. Despite the fact that she looks like a genetically modified rat that was dipped in toxic waste, her acting was atrocious. What was with the abnormal screams? I mean I get she's having nightmares and all, but in all honesty who screams like that in real life? And is it even possible to scream like that in your sleep? I wouldn't know, but still, what is up with that? She did it in the first film too, when she was bitten by James and the "venom" was beginning to circulate her system and she started that random spasm of screams. Seriously woman, be realistic here.
Dialogue. OMG! How corny and stupid are the things these people say. Kids may not understand it, but people my age can feel my pain. For example, I know this was highly unintended (or was it ;)), but in the scene in the forest when Edward is informing Bella he is leaving Forks/Vancouver, Bella tells him, "I'm coming" and Edward replies with, "I don't want you to come". Know I am not the one who thought of this first, blame a wise friend of mine, but if you get me, "come" .............. Yes I know it's lame, but I wasn't the first person to notice it. I noticed it because someone else told me about it. Another line I felt was completely stupid, Bella to Jacob when she falls over the bike, "You are sorta beautiful". Ok, two things I find wrong here. It's not really wrong, I just find it so weird its just not mean't to be said. One, sorta? How can someone be sorta beautiful? If you intend to compliment someone, you wouldn't dumb it down. And the last thing, beautiful. I get it if he said it to her, but she said it to him. Beautiful is such a better word than "hot", but I just find it weird for a girl to be calling a guy beautiful. A more appropriate word would have been handsome, appealing or even attractive. I don't know, most people would have no problem with it, but I just find it highly odd. There was another line I thought was funny, I liked it.
'Age is just a number baby"
It's cute indeed =D, God bless you Jacob Black. All the Romeo and Juliet references really ticked me off. EVERY teen movie uses the same story, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, not mean't to be together, cry cry cry. And I guess its Stephanie Meyers fault for that, no offence.
Moving onto Robert Pattinson/Edward. Is it me, but does he look weird in New Moon? I thought he was quite "appealing" in the first film. But in New Moon, he looked WAAAAAAAAAAY to white. It was like they made him dive in a pool full of baby powder before he started filming. For a "beautiful" vampire, he sure didn't look "beautiful". And the sparkle-sparkle as I call it. Before Twilight the main theory why vampires could never walk into the sunlight was because they would turn into dust and die. I mean that's what happened in Blade and Underworld right? But in Twilight, the reason why they can't go into the sun is because they sparkle. Totally ruined my perception on vampires when I found that out. It ruined the image I perceived about vampires being majestic and noble people who loved to party at night and sleep during the day in their coffins.
Dakota Fanning. Before I start bagging her out, well not really, I thought the choice of her as Jane was an excellent choice, she has the pale skin and the bleach blonde hair to match Jane. Disappointment when I saw her appear on screen. Physically I thought she looked alright, but when she started talking I thought, ewww. The girl can't act either. And when she tried her power on Bella, her face looked so strange. It was like a mixture of constipation and drunk. I really hope she improves before the next films.
The werewolves. I was so looking forward to the werewolves and how they would put it off. At first I thought the werewolves would be much smaller, like the size of a fully grown German Shepard. But noooooo! They are pretty big, which I guess matches their strength and all. The CGI was good, yet I was overall disappointed in the wolves. Not enough of them in the film and in the little fight between Paul and Jacob, it was more of a blur rather than a fight.
Alright, now to the positives of the film. TAYLOR LAUTNER SHIRTLESS! Kidding. I shall try to think of other positives than Taylor =P. The Volturi. SPLENDID! The vampire equivalent to the government. AWESOME! Michael Sheen as Aro, awesome! He has that whole dominant/sly/creepy vibe going on. LOVE LOVE LOVE the red eyes. From reading the book my first image of Aro was an old man, hunched back sitting in his throne looking over his minions. But, he actually looked, young. And the blonde one on his left, I am not sure which one it is, I think its Caius, but he looks good too. From memory he is boy from Sweeney Todd, forgot his name, the annoying dude who kept singing that lame song.
I know I said the wolves were lame and all, but the wolves as a whole, the wolf pack were awesome! With the awesome matching tattoos, matching brown shirts, matching shorts, matching cropped hair, the idea of the wolf pack makes me happy. Gotta love them wolves. Paul is great, matches the character exactly and when I look at Sam he looks more of a Maori decent rather than a Native American decent, but still Sam does show that whole Alpha dog role. Yet as most of us know, Sam technically, isn't the Alpha male ;).
Well thats my breakdown of New Moon. Overall, if I were to give a rating out of 5 stars for new moon, I give it 2 stars.
Nov 9, 2009
pop art
"Pop art: style of art which incorporates elements of advertisement and items of mass culture, such as comic strips, newspapers or consumer goods."
Tonight I was frantically surfing through the many Foxtel channels available to me, and although it is not Foxtel, I ended up watching The Apprentice Australia. Todays episode revolved around selling artworks from "the heart". They had about four different artists to choose from, one was an Aboriginal artist, one was a landscape artist and two were pop culture artists. One of the artists was Ben Frost and the other one, was Shannon something, I forgot her name but I loved her work. The colours used were just brilliantly used to create this spectacular design. The other artist Ben Frost had interesting work. Quiet controversial and according to the guys on the Apprentice, very "niche".
I dont quiet understand art to be honest. From what I see, I tend to judge a book by its cover. I dont get how people "read" paintings and see what lies beneath. I just base my personal interest and liking into a painting. If I were some day to have my own house, I wouldn't mind having some of Ben Frost's artwork hanging from my walls. Surely wouldn't let little kids look at it, but I'd still like to have one.

Nov 7, 2009
The great escape
On the 5th of November 2009, six friends (including myself) experienced the most, frightening, exhilirating and best day of our lives (not literally, but you get the point).
The scene begins searching for a restaurant for my dear friends 19th birthday. After wasting our time and the waiters time in City Extra we settle for the Italian restaurant nearby named Silician. The place has a homely feeling about it. The smell of Italian food fills the air, the aura of everyone there. In front of us are these old ladies sitting and reminisce about the "good ole' times" and behind is are a family of five enjoying a nice dinner out. Despite the fact that there is some sort of pole dancing class upstairs, the atmosphere was amazing. The waiters; exceptional (in more ways than one), the food; BELLISSIMO, overall it was a lovely night sipping on wine (my first taste of wine) and laughing endlessly about life.
10.24pm, after the end to our feast, we venture back to the carpark. It was bad enough the carpark looked like it was on the wrong side of the neighbourhood and we were stuck in it, but after pressing the elevator button to send us upstairs and to the cars, we realise the carpark closes 8pm. We check the front and to our surprise, the gates have been locked. Panic rushes through each and every one of us, especially our youngest friend who still has one more HSC exam to go before freedom, highly ironic that it is an Italian exam.
Each of us stare at one another hoping we come up with some sort of idea to get the gate open. ALAS! A sign which says if we require assistance with taking our cars out, we must call this number and pay a fee of $100. Most of us begin to speculate the shifty-ness out this situation. Out of pure curiosity, I begin strolling around, hoping there is some sort of way out of this mess without paying the $100 fee. There is an intercom on one of the large pillars near the gate, not thinking I press the button and walk away, thinking it is some sort of alarm. Two seconds later ...
An intercom! We are halfway there, not really. We each look at one another again, no one knows what is going on. We press the button once more, the same voice talks...
Someone who can possibly save us. The voice is very difficult to co-operate with.
Yes, hello, we have cars stuck in this carpark, could you please open the gate for us so we can go home?
Voice: I'm sorry I cannot do that.
Why not?
Voice: because I am in the control room and the only people who can open the gates are the security.
Then can we please call the security to open the gates for us please?
Voice: I'm sorry they are asleep.
Excuse but there something you need to understand, we are six 18 year old's who need to get home right away. We have a curfew which is 11pm and if we do not get home by this time, we are in great risk of being fined by the police. So could you please bend the rules for us, just once.
Voice: I'm sorry I cannot do anything, its out of my control.
Okay so what do you have to do to get our cars out?
Voice: You need to pay the fee of $100 to get your cars out, and you must pay by credit card.
Okay, my name is ________ _________ and my mobile is __________.
Voice: and your credit card number?
Wait, what company do you work for?
Voice: I am in the control room
We know that, but what is the name of the company you work for?
Voice: I am in the control room
Alright, what's your name then?
Voice: I am not authorized to give out that information.
Okay then we need to get two cars out.
Voice: then that will cost you $200.
After about half an hour of negotiating that the sign by the gate says only $100 fee, not $100 per car, I again begin to stroll around. Our youngest friend calls her father who just so happens to work for a security company and knows nothing about this company, "Secure". Another sign indicating the shifty-ness of this situation. I hang onto the gate hoping something would miraculously happen as dear birthday boy deliberates with the mentally challenged fellow on the other end of the intercom. ALAS! The lock. The lock was suscipously left unlocked, thank goodness! I unlock the gate and open it, everyone looks slightly happier and with the adrenaline running through our system, we dash to our cars, three in each car and attempt to escape this hell. That was until obstacle one. How to get out with everyway shut off. Cars cannot fit in the gaps between parking spots or between the boomgates.
Attempt one, try to get out by lifting the boomgate. As two of our friends attempt to lift it, the same voice appears from the ticket machine
I wouldn't do that if i were you.
Creepy much? It was like some sort of Saw, crazy shit! Someone notices security cameras. "Hoods up" is our immediate reaction. As another friend acts as look-out he notices two strange people parked outside the carpark and entering the building.
Six adults running crazily around the car park trying to find a new way to get out. As the drivers decide, maybe we should pay for our tickets? Miraculously the machine is on and the man on the intercom speaks once more...
Your license registration has been recorded on camera and if you break anything you shall be named liable.
Eager to get out, the driver waves goodbye and drives off in a rush out of the carpark with the others right behind. As we run back to the cars outside two of the people which were thought to be security enter, and we notice a thrid car in the distance.
Is that your car?
Strange. I wait by the gate for the final car to drive past, leave it unlocked for the random strangers. FREEDOM! That is until I fall down on the slippery floor, flat on my ass. What an exit. We get back into the cars and speed the hell out of Parramatta. And that is the end of that chapter.
To anyone who reads this, DO NOT, I plead, DO NOT park your car in Parramatta, Hunter Street carpark. DO NOT!!!!
The scene begins searching for a restaurant for my dear friends 19th birthday. After wasting our time and the waiters time in City Extra we settle for the Italian restaurant nearby named Silician. The place has a homely feeling about it. The smell of Italian food fills the air, the aura of everyone there. In front of us are these old ladies sitting and reminisce about the "good ole' times" and behind is are a family of five enjoying a nice dinner out. Despite the fact that there is some sort of pole dancing class upstairs, the atmosphere was amazing. The waiters; exceptional (in more ways than one), the food; BELLISSIMO, overall it was a lovely night sipping on wine (my first taste of wine) and laughing endlessly about life.
10.24pm, after the end to our feast, we venture back to the carpark. It was bad enough the carpark looked like it was on the wrong side of the neighbourhood and we were stuck in it, but after pressing the elevator button to send us upstairs and to the cars, we realise the carpark closes 8pm. We check the front and to our surprise, the gates have been locked. Panic rushes through each and every one of us, especially our youngest friend who still has one more HSC exam to go before freedom, highly ironic that it is an Italian exam.
Each of us stare at one another hoping we come up with some sort of idea to get the gate open. ALAS! A sign which says if we require assistance with taking our cars out, we must call this number and pay a fee of $100. Most of us begin to speculate the shifty-ness out this situation. Out of pure curiosity, I begin strolling around, hoping there is some sort of way out of this mess without paying the $100 fee. There is an intercom on one of the large pillars near the gate, not thinking I press the button and walk away, thinking it is some sort of alarm. Two seconds later ...
An intercom! We are halfway there, not really. We each look at one another again, no one knows what is going on. We press the button once more, the same voice talks...
Someone who can possibly save us. The voice is very difficult to co-operate with.
Yes, hello, we have cars stuck in this carpark, could you please open the gate for us so we can go home?
Voice: I'm sorry I cannot do that.
Why not?
Voice: because I am in the control room and the only people who can open the gates are the security.
Then can we please call the security to open the gates for us please?
Voice: I'm sorry they are asleep.
Excuse but there something you need to understand, we are six 18 year old's who need to get home right away. We have a curfew which is 11pm and if we do not get home by this time, we are in great risk of being fined by the police. So could you please bend the rules for us, just once.
Voice: I'm sorry I cannot do anything, its out of my control.
Okay so what do you have to do to get our cars out?
Voice: You need to pay the fee of $100 to get your cars out, and you must pay by credit card.
Okay, my name is ________ _________ and my mobile is __________.
Voice: and your credit card number?
Wait, what company do you work for?
Voice: I am in the control room
We know that, but what is the name of the company you work for?
Voice: I am in the control room
Alright, what's your name then?
Voice: I am not authorized to give out that information.
Okay then we need to get two cars out.
Voice: then that will cost you $200.
After about half an hour of negotiating that the sign by the gate says only $100 fee, not $100 per car, I again begin to stroll around. Our youngest friend calls her father who just so happens to work for a security company and knows nothing about this company, "Secure". Another sign indicating the shifty-ness of this situation. I hang onto the gate hoping something would miraculously happen as dear birthday boy deliberates with the mentally challenged fellow on the other end of the intercom. ALAS! The lock. The lock was suscipously left unlocked, thank goodness! I unlock the gate and open it, everyone looks slightly happier and with the adrenaline running through our system, we dash to our cars, three in each car and attempt to escape this hell. That was until obstacle one. How to get out with everyway shut off. Cars cannot fit in the gaps between parking spots or between the boomgates.
Attempt one, try to get out by lifting the boomgate. As two of our friends attempt to lift it, the same voice appears from the ticket machine
I wouldn't do that if i were you.
Creepy much? It was like some sort of Saw, crazy shit! Someone notices security cameras. "Hoods up" is our immediate reaction. As another friend acts as look-out he notices two strange people parked outside the carpark and entering the building.
Six adults running crazily around the car park trying to find a new way to get out. As the drivers decide, maybe we should pay for our tickets? Miraculously the machine is on and the man on the intercom speaks once more...
Your license registration has been recorded on camera and if you break anything you shall be named liable.
Eager to get out, the driver waves goodbye and drives off in a rush out of the carpark with the others right behind. As we run back to the cars outside two of the people which were thought to be security enter, and we notice a thrid car in the distance.
Is that your car?
Strange. I wait by the gate for the final car to drive past, leave it unlocked for the random strangers. FREEDOM! That is until I fall down on the slippery floor, flat on my ass. What an exit. We get back into the cars and speed the hell out of Parramatta. And that is the end of that chapter.
To anyone who reads this, DO NOT, I plead, DO NOT park your car in Parramatta, Hunter Street carpark. DO NOT!!!!
Nov 3, 2009
The Dream
I've been having this dream lately, and every time I have it, it keeps getting more and more vivid. I thought I'd share it =)...
I've finished my second university degree, possibly in Veterianary or Tourism. I travel around the world a lot. Africa, South America, Thailand, China, Alaska. I go around the world researching and observing animal behaviour. I had just finish my whirlwind tour of the world looking at animals and telling people about them. The long trip from Alaska made me heaps tired and I was happy to be home for Christmas with my family and friends.
It's Christmas day and I come home to my house by the beach near Manly. Two storey beach home, glass windows, a freshly mowed green lawn and bikes scattered all over the front lawn. The car has been taken out of the garage and into the driveway, the hubby must have either taken the kids bike riding around Manly or just took the kids home from soccer. Either way I'm just happy to be home. I walk in, wooden floors, walls painted in midnight blue and in the backround I hear the little murmurs of five or six teenage girls talking about the latest fashion crazes and the boys at school in the living room. In the theatre the t.v is on and hubby is watching the basketball with the boys, like every Sunday afternoon. Downstairs in the garage I can hear the clattered and smashing of tools, my son must be working on his car he bought secondhand by some random dude he met at the wharf. There's an infusion of smells surrounding me. I can still smell the lawn clippings outside, from the kitchen I smell vanilla and strawberries; guessing someone (the hubby) got something burnt and tried to hide it with scented candles. Outside in the backyard, although I dont particulary like the smell, chlorine, the younger kids must be swimming on this hot day. It is way better than smelling animal poo for the past six months, any smell beats that. The BBQ is on; prawns, yummy. I had been living on leaves, fruits from trees or whatever the leader could hunt for dinner.
I take literally two steps into my home, and all four kids come running with open arms. Each of them talking over the other. The oldest one, my son (his name was Darien Mason) is overed in motor oil, wearing his worn out overalls, holding a wrench in this hand. The next according to age is my daughter (her name Desiree Leah), she smells like coconut. Looks like someone has been snooping through my closest lately. The two youngest my other son and daughter are wet and dripping from head to toe, they've been swimming and smell of chlorine. The girl was name Sadie Jaz and the boy was named Lucas Noah.
My dearest hubby has not risen from his seat to greet me. Seems like a pretty good game, so to annoy him I sat next to him hoping he would notice. Nope, some hubby. And two second later, TRY! He gets up screaming, I'm still on the couch staring at him, he looks down and finally recognizes me.
Outside in the backyard a mini-party has been set up. All my friends and family are outside eating lunch. Three dogs are in the running around in backround, one is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Pinkie, the other is an Alaskan Malamute named Finn, and the other dog struggling to keep up with the rest is a puppy, a black labrador named OJ.
The backyard is massive! Literally it extended for miles! Behind the pool and patio is an open rainforest filled with tall trees and native bushes. A hammock is laid out in between two of the tallest trees, and lying in the hammock asleep is my dear friend David (don't ask why he is there). In the pool Anna Min, Charmaine and Melissa are chilling by the side, soaking their feet and chatting about work and their plans for Christmas. Sitting down on the table sipping on their cocktails are Stefania with her husband, Christina with Richard and Michal with his fiancee, they are talking about their kids and the silly things they do. Krystel is on the grass with Jono and Neha playing with a baby, it's a girl and her name is Mercedes. She is learning to walk and Krystel is teaching her to say her name. Fail. Krystel hands the baby over to me (guessing it's mine =S) and the baby smiles. She has rosy cheeks and is wearing all pink. In the pool are several kids. One boy in the pool is wearing floaties and doggie paddling his way from one end of the pool to the next, from the back a parent yells, "GET AWAY FROM THE DEEP END NOAH!". I turn around and it's Michal rushing to save his son from the deep end. The two girls which were playing patty cake on the side of the pool belonged to Stefania and Krystel. The rest of the kids in the pool were all playing Marco Polo.
I hear Danica and Courtney talking to one of my hubby's friends in the backround. They're talking about some band and how he knows them and could possibly hook them up with tickets. Kanchan just walks in with her boyfriend. Kanchan puts a gift under my christmas tree and says its for my daughter Desiree. Her boyfriend goes downstairs to help Darien with the car. The christmas tree is massive!!! Literally almost nine or ten feet, either way it was standing near the stairwell, and right next to it was a fireplace. There were almost hundreds of presents under the tree, each wrapped newspaper (requested by me, no wrapping paper, must be environmentally friendly). There is a big one near the back, and it was shaped like a horse, a rocking horse for Mercedes I presume, it's got written on it:
"Dearest Mercedes, Merry Christmas, your mother insisted I do not get you a REAL horse, so I got you this one instead. Love, your Godmother Krystel"
On the other side of the tree was a big box, about half my height. I shake it just a bit, and I can hear little pieces underneath. A dollhouse for Serena, from her godmother, Stefania. There was one gift that was in two parts, it was definitely something soft underneath and on top was a box. I was a bit puzzled here. I took it, tried to shake it hoping I could figure out what it was. The front of the present said:
"Dear Darien, Merry Xmas, I know your dad hasnt' spoken to you about this, so I thought I'd jump the gun. Hope you and your girlfriend enjoy it ;). Open this in private, from your godfather Dayvee."
Condoms. I was actually happy David gave him condoms for some reason. I guess it was because my hubby didn't want to. Atleast he would be having safe sex, that would be a bit of a relief.
It's time to open the presents, everyone is gathered around the tree. All the kids and parents hand out their gifts, cameras are out and newspapers go flying everywhere. Darien finally comes from the garage with Kanchan's boyfriend. David gives his gift, giggling and smiling. I whisper to Darien, to not open it here in public, at least not the little box. The soft gift under the box was a grey cardigan. Mercedes tries to open her big box, Krystel tries to help but it seems liek Mercedes is most interested in the newspaper wrapping than the gift. Desiree is screaming thank you in the backround to her godmother Anna Min. IPHONE IPHONE IPHONE she keeps yelling. She screams again, this time to Kanchan, she gave her the wallet she wanted. All the happiness was getting to me, that I totally forgot my gifts to my own children. For Darien, plane tickets to travel around Europe with his girlfriend; for Desiree, hand-made jewelry from Africa and a brand new leather jacket; for Serena, it was some type of musical instrument, I think it was a custom made violin; for Lucas a new baseball bat and mit; and finally for Mercedes a necklace with her birthday and a picture of her father and I engraved in. (These kids must have been spoiled)
After this point I would usually wake up .. =S
I've finished my second university degree, possibly in Veterianary or Tourism. I travel around the world a lot. Africa, South America, Thailand, China, Alaska. I go around the world researching and observing animal behaviour. I had just finish my whirlwind tour of the world looking at animals and telling people about them. The long trip from Alaska made me heaps tired and I was happy to be home for Christmas with my family and friends.
It's Christmas day and I come home to my house by the beach near Manly. Two storey beach home, glass windows, a freshly mowed green lawn and bikes scattered all over the front lawn. The car has been taken out of the garage and into the driveway, the hubby must have either taken the kids bike riding around Manly or just took the kids home from soccer. Either way I'm just happy to be home. I walk in, wooden floors, walls painted in midnight blue and in the backround I hear the little murmurs of five or six teenage girls talking about the latest fashion crazes and the boys at school in the living room. In the theatre the t.v is on and hubby is watching the basketball with the boys, like every Sunday afternoon. Downstairs in the garage I can hear the clattered and smashing of tools, my son must be working on his car he bought secondhand by some random dude he met at the wharf. There's an infusion of smells surrounding me. I can still smell the lawn clippings outside, from the kitchen I smell vanilla and strawberries; guessing someone (the hubby) got something burnt and tried to hide it with scented candles. Outside in the backyard, although I dont particulary like the smell, chlorine, the younger kids must be swimming on this hot day. It is way better than smelling animal poo for the past six months, any smell beats that. The BBQ is on; prawns, yummy. I had been living on leaves, fruits from trees or whatever the leader could hunt for dinner.
I take literally two steps into my home, and all four kids come running with open arms. Each of them talking over the other. The oldest one, my son (his name was Darien Mason) is overed in motor oil, wearing his worn out overalls, holding a wrench in this hand. The next according to age is my daughter (her name Desiree Leah), she smells like coconut. Looks like someone has been snooping through my closest lately. The two youngest my other son and daughter are wet and dripping from head to toe, they've been swimming and smell of chlorine. The girl was name Sadie Jaz and the boy was named Lucas Noah.
My dearest hubby has not risen from his seat to greet me. Seems like a pretty good game, so to annoy him I sat next to him hoping he would notice. Nope, some hubby. And two second later, TRY! He gets up screaming, I'm still on the couch staring at him, he looks down and finally recognizes me.
Outside in the backyard a mini-party has been set up. All my friends and family are outside eating lunch. Three dogs are in the running around in backround, one is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Pinkie, the other is an Alaskan Malamute named Finn, and the other dog struggling to keep up with the rest is a puppy, a black labrador named OJ.
The backyard is massive! Literally it extended for miles! Behind the pool and patio is an open rainforest filled with tall trees and native bushes. A hammock is laid out in between two of the tallest trees, and lying in the hammock asleep is my dear friend David (don't ask why he is there). In the pool Anna Min, Charmaine and Melissa are chilling by the side, soaking their feet and chatting about work and their plans for Christmas. Sitting down on the table sipping on their cocktails are Stefania with her husband, Christina with Richard and Michal with his fiancee, they are talking about their kids and the silly things they do. Krystel is on the grass with Jono and Neha playing with a baby, it's a girl and her name is Mercedes. She is learning to walk and Krystel is teaching her to say her name. Fail. Krystel hands the baby over to me (guessing it's mine =S) and the baby smiles. She has rosy cheeks and is wearing all pink. In the pool are several kids. One boy in the pool is wearing floaties and doggie paddling his way from one end of the pool to the next, from the back a parent yells, "GET AWAY FROM THE DEEP END NOAH!". I turn around and it's Michal rushing to save his son from the deep end. The two girls which were playing patty cake on the side of the pool belonged to Stefania and Krystel. The rest of the kids in the pool were all playing Marco Polo.
I hear Danica and Courtney talking to one of my hubby's friends in the backround. They're talking about some band and how he knows them and could possibly hook them up with tickets. Kanchan just walks in with her boyfriend. Kanchan puts a gift under my christmas tree and says its for my daughter Desiree. Her boyfriend goes downstairs to help Darien with the car. The christmas tree is massive!!! Literally almost nine or ten feet, either way it was standing near the stairwell, and right next to it was a fireplace. There were almost hundreds of presents under the tree, each wrapped newspaper (requested by me, no wrapping paper, must be environmentally friendly). There is a big one near the back, and it was shaped like a horse, a rocking horse for Mercedes I presume, it's got written on it:
"Dearest Mercedes, Merry Christmas, your mother insisted I do not get you a REAL horse, so I got you this one instead. Love, your Godmother Krystel"
On the other side of the tree was a big box, about half my height. I shake it just a bit, and I can hear little pieces underneath. A dollhouse for Serena, from her godmother, Stefania. There was one gift that was in two parts, it was definitely something soft underneath and on top was a box. I was a bit puzzled here. I took it, tried to shake it hoping I could figure out what it was. The front of the present said:
"Dear Darien, Merry Xmas, I know your dad hasnt' spoken to you about this, so I thought I'd jump the gun. Hope you and your girlfriend enjoy it ;). Open this in private, from your godfather Dayvee."
Condoms. I was actually happy David gave him condoms for some reason. I guess it was because my hubby didn't want to. Atleast he would be having safe sex, that would be a bit of a relief.
It's time to open the presents, everyone is gathered around the tree. All the kids and parents hand out their gifts, cameras are out and newspapers go flying everywhere. Darien finally comes from the garage with Kanchan's boyfriend. David gives his gift, giggling and smiling. I whisper to Darien, to not open it here in public, at least not the little box. The soft gift under the box was a grey cardigan. Mercedes tries to open her big box, Krystel tries to help but it seems liek Mercedes is most interested in the newspaper wrapping than the gift. Desiree is screaming thank you in the backround to her godmother Anna Min. IPHONE IPHONE IPHONE she keeps yelling. She screams again, this time to Kanchan, she gave her the wallet she wanted. All the happiness was getting to me, that I totally forgot my gifts to my own children. For Darien, plane tickets to travel around Europe with his girlfriend; for Desiree, hand-made jewelry from Africa and a brand new leather jacket; for Serena, it was some type of musical instrument, I think it was a custom made violin; for Lucas a new baseball bat and mit; and finally for Mercedes a necklace with her birthday and a picture of her father and I engraved in. (These kids must have been spoiled)
After this point I would usually wake up .. =S
My second revelation?
I tend to have a lot of these revelations, and I dont know why. But recently I have been feeling a lot nicer and generous to people these days. Someone told me, that when they first met me, they thought I was very humble and kind, and as time grew between our friendship I suddenly grew out of my shell and exposed myself more to our relationship. The first thing I thought was, wow, people actually think I'm a kind and humble person and the second thing was, I wonder if i am think this way to everyone?
It kind of struck me yesterday that I've changed, and for the better. Alright so, at uni, we have this impossible lecturer, who I think is very lazy, inconsistent and unorganized. Anyway, he sets us this task to complete six sheets from a total of nine. And well he cancels one of the sheets, and doesn't bother to put up the remaining sheets to complete the compulsory six. Fair enough he has a lot on his plate, but thats not the point. So, pretty much days before the due date everyone is swapping answers and worksheets to complete the six, which was later reduced to five compulsory sheets. I feel everyone's pain, these sheets were NOT easy. You couldn't finish them in a day like some people intended to do. So pretty much, I offered to give my sheets to people who really needed them. Knowing me, I would have only offered one or two questions, or lie and say I didn't do the sheet they require. But this time, I loaned them the entire assignment, asking for nothing in return, just that they go to sleep early. Kinda strange isn't it?
There have been other incidents where I've been really nice to people who dont really necessarily deserve it, and situations where I've sort of become that shoulder to lean on. But I think the main source to all this kindness and generosity comes from my Resource Sustainability unit in uni.
In Resource Sustainability we learn about global warming, how it impacts on the planet and on human existence, invasive species, water, alternative sources to generate electricity, Al Gore and The Inconvienent Truth, blah blah blah. So I figure, it's not too long before something like that 2012 movie actually comes true. Maybe it will happen in 2012, maybe next year, maybe in the next decade, who knows? So my resolution is that, if something like that were to happen, why not make the most of my life now. There is no point in living your life in depression and misery claiming your life is worth nothing and that you're gonna die anyway, why live life to your full potential when your just gonna die. Honestly, thats a load of bull. Think about it ... your sixty years old, living in a nursing home, all alone. You can't walk, you need someone to carry you to the bathroom every time you need to pee, because you can't do it by yourself. You need to be spoonfed mashed up food because you don't have enough energy left in you to constantly chew and swallow. You at your photo album, old polaroid photos showing you on your first, second, third birthdays. And it keeps going until you reach twenty or so. You try to remember why has my life all of a sudden stopped? Then it hits you, it was because you spent your life from that point on hating on the world and yourself. Thinking, why can I not get a boy/girlfriend? Why can I never get a job? Why can't I ever make any friends? Why does my life suck so much? You start tearing up thnking about how stupid you were for thinking that way. Half your life gone down the drain thinking about how miserable life was and how lazy you were to make a difference; to actually do something with your life.
I definitely do not want to live my life that way. I figure, if I can help one person, just one. My life is on the right track. In anyway possible, emotional, physical, even environmental. Yesterday I yelled at my sister for having her laptop on whilst her other computer was on, and the fact that she never turns off the lights when she leaves a room.
I personally do want to become an environmentalist. Maybe not to the extreme where I become a vegan and what not. I'd love to travel around the world helping to build insurance populations of endangered animals and help to get rid of invasive/pest species. Living in a solar panelled house, with a backyard filled with native plants. Making my own compost. Three dogs running around in the backyard. Water tanks eveywhere. I think I'm getting ahead of myself now =P.
It kind of struck me yesterday that I've changed, and for the better. Alright so, at uni, we have this impossible lecturer, who I think is very lazy, inconsistent and unorganized. Anyway, he sets us this task to complete six sheets from a total of nine. And well he cancels one of the sheets, and doesn't bother to put up the remaining sheets to complete the compulsory six. Fair enough he has a lot on his plate, but thats not the point. So, pretty much days before the due date everyone is swapping answers and worksheets to complete the six, which was later reduced to five compulsory sheets. I feel everyone's pain, these sheets were NOT easy. You couldn't finish them in a day like some people intended to do. So pretty much, I offered to give my sheets to people who really needed them. Knowing me, I would have only offered one or two questions, or lie and say I didn't do the sheet they require. But this time, I loaned them the entire assignment, asking for nothing in return, just that they go to sleep early. Kinda strange isn't it?
There have been other incidents where I've been really nice to people who dont really necessarily deserve it, and situations where I've sort of become that shoulder to lean on. But I think the main source to all this kindness and generosity comes from my Resource Sustainability unit in uni.
In Resource Sustainability we learn about global warming, how it impacts on the planet and on human existence, invasive species, water, alternative sources to generate electricity, Al Gore and The Inconvienent Truth, blah blah blah. So I figure, it's not too long before something like that 2012 movie actually comes true. Maybe it will happen in 2012, maybe next year, maybe in the next decade, who knows? So my resolution is that, if something like that were to happen, why not make the most of my life now. There is no point in living your life in depression and misery claiming your life is worth nothing and that you're gonna die anyway, why live life to your full potential when your just gonna die. Honestly, thats a load of bull. Think about it ... your sixty years old, living in a nursing home, all alone. You can't walk, you need someone to carry you to the bathroom every time you need to pee, because you can't do it by yourself. You need to be spoonfed mashed up food because you don't have enough energy left in you to constantly chew and swallow. You at your photo album, old polaroid photos showing you on your first, second, third birthdays. And it keeps going until you reach twenty or so. You try to remember why has my life all of a sudden stopped? Then it hits you, it was because you spent your life from that point on hating on the world and yourself. Thinking, why can I not get a boy/girlfriend? Why can I never get a job? Why can't I ever make any friends? Why does my life suck so much? You start tearing up thnking about how stupid you were for thinking that way. Half your life gone down the drain thinking about how miserable life was and how lazy you were to make a difference; to actually do something with your life.
I definitely do not want to live my life that way. I figure, if I can help one person, just one. My life is on the right track. In anyway possible, emotional, physical, even environmental. Yesterday I yelled at my sister for having her laptop on whilst her other computer was on, and the fact that she never turns off the lights when she leaves a room.
I personally do want to become an environmentalist. Maybe not to the extreme where I become a vegan and what not. I'd love to travel around the world helping to build insurance populations of endangered animals and help to get rid of invasive/pest species. Living in a solar panelled house, with a backyard filled with native plants. Making my own compost. Three dogs running around in the backyard. Water tanks eveywhere. I think I'm getting ahead of myself now =P.
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