I was on my way home from the city one day, and in front of me was this boy. Looked like he was sixteen or seventeen, tall, blonde, surfie kind of dude, but it wasn't his looks that had me spell-bound. Like an express train to the western suburbs is, at peak hour everyone was sitting next to complete strangers, shoulder to shoulder (except me ofcourse, i wondered why, anyway..). So the boy was sitting next to a mother and her daughter, who was about the same age as he was. This mother and daughter were foreign, french i think it was. The mother and daughter were having a little argument on the train about something and the boy interupted them..
Boy: excuse miss, but is there something i can help you with?
Girl: does this train go to blacktown?
Boy: yes it does, what nationality are you?
Girl: I am french
Boy: can i ask a favour? how do you say "you are beautiful in french?"
And i sat behind them listening to their conversation. It was honestly the cutest thing you could ever imagine. And i was happy that the boy didnt refer to her as hot, the word beautiful isn't used much in our society. Beautiful just has more sincerity in it and it just makes a woman feel special. Most guys i know these day wouldn't bother with the word beautiful. That little conversation just made me smile, although i looked like a complete idiot on the train smiling at nothing, it certainly made my day. Just makes you think, who come guys these days dont use that type of language and sincerity towards girls. Most guys act like complete pigs, wolf whistling, saying "oh, i'd tap that ;)" or, "fahh, she's hot". Guys need to learn to be more polite and not superficial. Then again, i tend to do that sometimes with guys.
A part from that conversation, there was this one man on the bus home today who didn't make my day. It may sound stupid, but c'mon there are ways to prevent it. Theres this middle aged man waiting for the bus in Blacktown, i'm about 3 people away from him and out of no where i hear this hiccup sort of noise. I turned around and nothing was happening, so i assumed a little child was having hiccups and they were going somewhere else. So i got on the bus and i heard it again, i turned around and it was the middle aged man. At first i thought, it's nothing it will be gone soon. Ten seconds later another hiccup. And this is what annoyed me, its one of those hiccups you force out to make a big noise. Like there are ways to stop hiccups from making noise, like closing your mouth. And this guy went on and on and on making the noises over and over again. I was getting frustrated, what is he, like 2? I know its stupid, but i was highly annoyed. I tend to get pissed off a lot these days =)
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