Apr 28, 2010

Last week I loved...

More like two weeks ago, but .. Two weeks ago I celebrated my 19th birthday. I was told by one of my good friends, to spend the last few minutes of my 18th year doing something special. I had about 13 minutes to quickly do something spontaneous and outrageous. The best I could think of was dancing with my music on full blast in the kitchen, waiting for that clock to strike midnight. What a way to spend my last few minutes being 18. That was just the start...

Well technically no, the Wednesday before my birthday, specifically the 14th of April, my work mates organized a little get together, cake, movie night. It made my day considering, I had an exam to do during the day. But pretty much I got to Westpoint (yes I am officially a Blacktown bum now) and hung around a bit with one of my ex-workmates, actually two of my ex-workmates and my manager. Around 6 when they all finished work, all my work mates stayed behind to see my blow my cake out. They are seriously the nicest people EVER! I've been there for only 5 months and they did something that nice for me =).

April 16. Yes, I was back in Westpoint bumming with the same workmates, but that wasn't the highlight of my night. SUPAFEST SUPAFEST SUPAFEST!!! FUCKING BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!!!!

Jay Sean, random boy in a turban dancing with Eve on stage, Pitbull, Akon, confetti, me half passing out during Sean Paul, watching drunk little teenies dancing hardout to Akon, hundreds of people chanting Akon and happy birthday (oh yeah I share the same birthday as Akon, HOW AWESOME!!!), it was officially the best night of my life.

April 17. I went out for dinner with my high school friends in the city at Hurricanes. NICEST RIBS EVER!!! LOL, I tried my first taste of sangria. Not bad, I must say. Then again I'm not a red wine type of person. It was really nice to finally catch up with my high school friends. I've missed them so much, and with all the little dramas that went down, I was happy to see everyone still one big family.

Yesterday I got a book in the mail from my workmates (repeat, those people are some of the most amazing people on the EARTH!). The book had all these little messages from my closest friends at work and pictures of the 5 months that I had spent with them. Mum was watching me read the book over and over again, and she laughed because I was starting to get all teary.

That one week was honestly, the best and most memorable birthday of my life =) .. thank you to everyone that shared the week with me

Apr 15, 2010

Date Night- A Review

I went to watch Date Night yesterday with my work mates. And it was quiet a hassle to choose between this movie or How To Train Your Dragon which I have been hearing so much about. But considering it was for my birthday I chose Date Night =P.

So in brief, Date Night is about a suburban couple, the Fosters who wish to step out of their normal boring routine of potato skins and steak, waking up at 5am to make breakfast for their two kids and book clubs about girls have their periods in the desert. And they step out of the norm by going out to dinner in the big city of Manhattan at "The Claw" by obvioulsy taking someone else's reservations, which is frequently frowned upon throughout the movie by numerous people.

Alright, I expected this movie to be pretty funny. I mean Tina Fey and Steve Carell are big comedic names. Saturday Night Live? Like hello? Its stand-up comedy so you assume it's going to be a funny movie. I thought it was pretty funny. Not exceptionally funny, but funny enough to make my sides hurt every now and then. Then again I spent most of the movie laughing at my friend next to me laugh at almost EVERYTHING!

The D.A is pretty funny. His sick minded views and the broom, high-larious. Mark Wahlberg just reminded me so much of Taylor Lautner in New Moon, half naked in almost every scene. Well actually, every time he was shown in the movie, he was half naked. It was funny to see Steve Carell continuously ask Mark Wahlber to put on a shirt. All I could think of was New Moon spoof's =P.

There was one scene in the movie that made me feel awkward. Tina Fey and Steve Carell were sitting in the hot AUDI car (*droool*) and they were talking about how they managed to get stuck in this rut of steak and potato skins and how their friends were broken up, and classified each other as "excellent room-mates". The entire scene just seemed off and out of place. I kept thinking to myself, WHAT THE F***? Don't know, maybe because I've never really seen them play such a lovey-dovey role or a "serious" role. I just felt strange about it all.

Anyway, my rating ... 3 corn chips =D

Apr 1, 2010

Whoever wants to know...

Lately, I've been asked what I want for my birthday, and as cliche as it is, I just wanna spend it with my friends and family. I get to see Jay Sean on my birthday, and thats about the only thing I'm looking forward to =P. But to anyone who asks and is reading this, I'll end the confusion .. Here's a "small" list of suggestions...

  • I'm trying to collect different classic books such as Alice in Wonderland, Dracula, Peter Pan, that kind of thing (F.Y.I: I already have those books =P)
  • I've been getting int watching a lot of series lately, however I've been trying to find certain series I know I can rewatch over and over again, any suggestions? (I'm thinking of rewatching the O.C and starting 30 Rock, or even some of the old-school series like Family Matters and Two Guys A Girl and a Pizza Place)
  • I'm the biggest movie junkie .. so any movie will do, just gotta make sure I don't have it already =D
  • I love sentimental things, photo collages, messages, that type of thing. And getting surprised on my birthday ;)
  • Love big things ;) .. big rings, big earrings
  • Love the whole hippie vibe type of fashion these days
  • I tend to break my possessions a lot, and the latest thing I broke were my iPhone headphones =(, I know .. it's sad, well I need new ones anyway .. hint hint*