I always complain about the driveway at uni. I hate walking up that long driveway watching the cars drive by laughing their heads off and blasting their music for all to hear. The driveway seems to go for ages, but yesterday when i walked up the driveway, sunny day, clear skies and the cool breeze brushing up against my cheek, it was then that i only realised what true peace and serenity mean't.
See most people don't know where my uni is, or they don't take the time to truly appreciate how beautiful my uni is. When i tell them, my uni is pretty much one massive farm, their immediate response is "ewww, you go to uni on a farm?". Well yes i do, it's so nice to just sit down on the grass (yes, we have grass unlike a certain uni who has a small patch of grass) and listen to the wind.
You usually don't see much people wandering around H.A.C (Hawkesbury Agricultural College). The uni is so big, i havent even seen the other half of it yet. I see the same people everyday because we're in the same course, but my other friends in other courses i hardly get to see. I guess thats the downside to my uni. Yet this is also a good thing. Most, well really all city or near the city based uni's such as Parramatta UWS, UTS or UNSW (don't judge me, i'm assuming) are overcrowded. People are too busy to talk to one another, because they are running from one half of the campus to the other bumping into people, trying to squeeze through the crowd. That's what i dont like. Then again i could be wrong, prove me wrong people. I just find my uni more intimate with one another. Again, prove me wrong.
Oh, and i must not forget the animals =D. Most people are shocked to hear we have deer on campus, i was too. They amaze me everyday we drive by the deer lot. July is the time of year when sheep give birth, so we were fortunate enough to see some births. Unfortunately, we didnt actually get to SEE anything, instead we got TOLD. The little lambs are so cute, running around in circle, chasing mummy's udder. The cows aren't that special, but still the fact that we get to touch and interact with the cows is awesome. Horses are awesome! Although they are quiet dangerous if you don't treat it right, they are some of the most magical and beautiful animals in the world. Oh, again i'm obliged to mention we have reptiles on campus (i hate our reptile house, not because Jason runs the reptile house, but because i think reptiles are gross). I always hated rats, i thought they were the most vile and disgusting creatures on earth. Feeding off the scraps of humans, running through the sewers, YUCK. But seeing them at uni, they weren't THAT bad. I thought they were quiet cute. Then again they were caged and sleeping, but apparently before we saw them, they got a little bit rowdy during feeding time.
In general, for those who said they would visit me, but haven't. Please do =). It's not paradise, then again its not a dump.