May 12, 2010


Honestly just wanna jump in a hole and stay there, away from everyone and everything! Uni is just so argh! right now. So many freaking assessments, so many things to do and they expect us to keep some sort of balance. Work is a pain too. I thought I was getting over the whole ordeal with me being fired because I'm too expensive, but honestly I'm wondering now if it's all worth it. Again, I'm only happy on some occassions and I can only put on a smile for so long.

Right now, I just wanna run away to some tropical island, away from any homework, assessments, essays, away from work, everyone at work, everyone here. Just need to get away!

There's just so many emotions running through me right now, it's hard to keep up with it and it's hard to tell anyone. Anger, depression, jealousy (O-M-G, don't even know why I am jealous to be honest!), betrayal, lonely. The list goes freaking on. Just really need a vacation .. REALLY NEED ONE!!!!

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