Feb 8, 2010

Nelson's Bay 10'

Five friends, five days, four nights, three hours drive, three pathetic teenage bogans, two successful sunny days, one bathroom and one heck of a good time.

Not to forget, how red I still am after endless hours of tanning on the beach, how red Andrea got, Michal's uneven back tan, near fatal accident on the way home from getting pizza, a failed attempt at making a bonfire on the beach, JENGA!, being "alco-jacked" by three bogans, being threatented by three bogans, half skinny dipping whilst tipsy, ice cream on the wharf, "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS", two hours of stupid animal combinations with Michal, having to listen to Cesar and Michal constantly reference Simpsons with everything, mo-mo-monopoly, an accident on the beach that will not be mentioned EVER again, creepy poltergeist from house downstairs, "bitch bitch bitch, whinge whinge whinge" and one bubbly bath with two guys ;).

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