What kind of foul, insecure, RETARD, would undergo so much plastic surgery just to look pretty?! I thought she was insane in the first place getting a boob job and a nose reconstruction, but ten different surgeries to "look" pretty is WAYYY to much. Despite my hatred for her and her "husband" I can admit she was good-looking before it all happened. Now she just looks like a drugged Hilton sister who was run over continuously by a cityrail train.
I know this sounds really cruel, but enough is enough! 2009 was their year, but now its over. No one gives two shits what she and her signficant other do anymore. I don't care if they buy a country and name is "Speidi-land" or adopt kids from China, Malowi, or Tanzania. Whatever they do, its out of pure greed and that should not be rewarded at all. So 2010, I decree the end of Speidi, R.I.P. Do whatever you want with your lives, leave the rest if the human race alone to live in freaking harmony! LET SOMEONE ELSE TAKE YOUR FREAKING SPOT, I DON'T CARE!!! YOU HAD YOUR RUN!!!
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