Jan 31, 2010
Another birthday

Jan 26, 2010
Nine - Be Italiano
Eight more days
Finally got to watch Nine with Cesar
Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
Yes, and I miss that person a lot too =(
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now?
Cotton On, my sister got one before. It says "I rule" and there's a picture of a ruler =)
What's your middle name?
Leah (pronouced like Princess Leia from Star Wars, and NO my parents did not name me after her)
What's the last song you listened to?
If My Heart Was A House by Owl City
Where could I have found you last Saturday?
At work, then at Cesar's watching the tennis and talking about "stuff"
What brand of digital camera do you own?
Was yesterday better than today?
Meh, they were both so-so
Do you think long distance relationships work out?
I know some people who have managed to make it work, but if it was me, probably not. It's hard to trust the other and it would suck not having anyone to hold and see physically everyday
Do you wear makeup everyday?
No! All natural =)
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
Yes I do, her name is Natasha
What are you doing right now?
Doing this pointless questionaire instead of sleeping
Who was the first person you talked to today?
Mummy =), she came to check if I was ready and awake for work
Did you talk to anyone before you went to bed last night?
Mummy, she asked me why I was still up at 2am
Are you waiting for something?
Not really?
Is there anyone that hates you right now?
Hope not =S
How did you feel when you woke up today?
Are you the shortest of all your friends?
I'm actually the tallest =P
What does your hair look like?
Curly and messy
Do you care about what people think?
I tell others I dont, but really I do
What would you do if the door bell rang and it was Lil Wayne?
BUST A CAP IN HIS ASS! Nuh, I'd tie him to a chair and call up Anna Min, she loves him. I'll let her do whatever she wants with him
Do you consider yourself spoiled?
Yeah =P
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
I haven't actually driven on the road yet =P
What time did you go to bed last night, why?
2 something? Cause for some reason I figured I need to wake up at 9 and seven hours of sleep sounds reasonable
Are you a jealous person?
Yes I am
What was the last thing you ate and where?
A nectarine in the kitchen, whilst waking American Dragon
Do you take pills daily?
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
What's the last compliment you received?
That I am a fast learner =)
Have you seen HSM3 yet?
LOL, yeah like two years ago? I think
Who are you closest to in your family?
My sister
Do you say sexy a lot?
Once a day =P
What color are your socks?
I'm not wearing any socks, but I was wearing socklets, a biege and black one. That's right, I wore two different coloured socks!
Are you a bad influence?
I used to think I was, but it turns out, other people are the bad influences on me
Who last called you?
Last phone call came from Cesar last night =P
Do you answer the phones at your job?
No, because a) I don't know how to and b) If I did answer the phone, I would get in massive trouble
Last time you smiled because you got a text?
Two Saturday's ago
Do you straighten your hair everyday?
No, only on special occassion
Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
Yeah, the doctor =P
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully travelling the world with a friend or two. A job hopefully in my field on interest and possibly getting closer to a special someone ;)
Do you miss anyone?
Absolutely =)
My disgusting hair
What colour is your favourite hoodie?
Gray Rayy
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Umm, I kissed Andrea cheek to cheek the other day, if it was cheek to cheek, ofcourse I would, but lips, maybe ;)
Do you plan outfits?
Not recently considering I dont need to plan my work clothes out.
How are you feeling RIGHT now?
My head feels itchy =(
Tell me about the last dream you remember having.
I don't really remember any of my dreams, except for one where it was ten years or so in the future and I was married with children, refer to "The Dream"
What are you craving right now?
WATER!!! lame I know
Are you emotional?
Yeah, I'm super sensitive, but more gullible
Do you bite into your ice cram or just lick?
I lick, it lasts longer ;)
Do you like your hair?
Not really =S
What are you listening to right now?
I was listening to Cinema Italiano by Kate Hudson from Nine, hehehe
Who are you going to be with tonight?
I was with my parents at dinner and on the phone with Cesar and Michal =P
Are you too forgiving?
I don't like to hold grudges, but then again, I tend to be the first to apologize for everything
Ever been in love?
Love is such a strong word, you don't know when your in love
What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow?
No idea, facebook =P
Do you have any tattoos?
No but I want two, one on my shoulder and the other maybe on my backside ;)
Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Like I said, I tend to forgive everyone for everything. But in this case, probably not.
Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
*thinking* yes =)
Jan 25, 2010
Jan 24, 2010
Hush Hush
At my dear Cesar's house discussing important issues =)
What is today's date?
24th of January 2010
Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Baby, my mum a couple of days ago and babe, Sunny, as a joke =P
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
When I only buy one thing yeah
Has anyone ever sang to you?
Does "happy birthday" count?
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Who do you text the most?
hehehehehehehe .. bestie! =P, they know who they are ;)
How do you make your money?
By sweating my ass off next to a chip fryer whilst the cashier people yell over one another "regular" "i need a large NOW" "how long on a regular"
First person to text today?
What is your favourite color?
What color are your eyes?
What is a compliment you receive often?
That I learn things quickly =P, or that I have a good memory
How tall are you?
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
Amyyyyypoooo, like 10 minutes ago on MSN
Do you like your parents?
Ofcourse I do =)
Do you secretly like someone?
If I said that, obviously it wouldn't be a secret ;)
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
Hmmmm, I think Cesar?
Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
The Philz, like five years ago
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
SLEEP! All I do is freaking eat
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
I think I'm a mixture of both, but apparently I look more like my dad
How long does it take you to shower?
Five minutes, I like to save water =)
What did you do on New Years Eve?
WORK! And then a mini-celebration with my dad and mum
Was your mom there?
Ummm O.o
Can you speak any other language than English?
Taglish =)
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
I think 7?
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
No, because I'm a rebel like that ;)
Are you scared of flying?
Heck to the no!
What do you sleep in?
Clothes? ahaha
Do you like funny people or serious people?
Funny ofcourse =)
What are you listening to?
Crazy by Kc and Jojo
What jewellery do you wear all the time?
What do you have planned for tonight?
Sleep, sleep and sleep
Do you have a favourite item of clothing?
My uni jumper, it keeps my warm on cold days and I can wear it on hot days too =)
Last movie you saw in theatres?
Alvin and the Chipmunks, the Squeakel
Last thing you ate?
What was last thing you drank?
num num water
Are you happy right now?
Meh, so-so
If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
A certain someone ;)
Who makes you happiest right now?
Everyone =), well CERTAIN people .. but mostly the people at work and my good friends, oh and my mummy
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Stalking facebook
What is the last thing you thought about?
Why does my mum go through my facebook?
Jan 21, 2010
inspiration hunting
being courageous...
the beach and the sea breeze on a hot morning...
memory lane
I can recall everything that happened the night I got my offer. I wasn't happy, thats what I remember. I did get an offer, but after realising what an idiot I was for applying for the WRONG course, really pissed me off. I spent all night crying, I cried on the phone to a friend and pretty much locked myself in my room till midnight when everyone else was asleep. It was such a horrid experience. Never really cried like that before, from what I can remember. The wait, OH EMM GEE, the freaking wait for second round offers was CRAZZZZY!!! While everyone else was enrolling into uni and getting their ID cards, I had to sit back and wait for my offer to come in. The anxiety and the fear in my heart was so much. I knew there weren't many spots left, that didnt exactly help things. But when the day came, Febuary 2 to be exact and to see that offer highlighted on the screen, massive sigh of relief =D.
So this post goes to all those who got their offers and those who work hard to get what they want. Congrats peeps =)
Jan 20, 2010
Just can't get enough
I'm happy where I am now =). Hate to lose everyone and everything I've worked hard to keep if I moved away. I'd most probably just move to another house near the beach.
What animal best represents you & why?
A panda. Because all I do in life is sleep and eat =P.
What is the craziest thing you ever did?
If you could meet anyone, who would it be & why? Dead or alive?
Scarlett Johansson, she's my freaking IDOL!
If you could go back in time & live in any decade, which would it be & why?
70's. Bell bottom jeans, going to roller skating rings, listening to Donna Summers, beginning of environmentalism, peak of hippies, who wouldn't want to be in the 70's.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Ultimate control of natural elements, earth, water, wind and fire.
Who's is your ultimate celebrity crush?
Mix between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds with a touch of young Keanu Reeves =D.
What color best represents you?
What would your life's theme song be?
"Thinking of you" by Katy Perry, because all I do in my life is daydream about guys and what can never be.
Who would you cast to play you in a movie?
MYSELF! No one can play me, better than me. But I'd like Scarlett.
What celebrity best represents your vision of fashion?
I am my own fashion =)
What is the greatest music video of all time?
If you could star on a reality tv show which one would it be?
Amazing Race
What vehicle best represents you?
The Hummer. BIG AND TOUGH, on the outside, but the most unstable piece of crap ever to be on the road.
If you could bring back one famous person from the dead for a day, who & why?
MICHAEL JACKSON!!! So he could sing Billie Jean for my good friend Anna Min outside her bedroom window with a dozen roses, surrounded by hundreds of candles.
If you became president, what would you do first?
Resign and give my position to Cesar Comissi, he would do a much better job than I would.
If you got one tattoo, what would it be?
Japanese writing or some sort of bird.
If you were on MTV's Made, what would you ask to be?
Prom Queen ;)
Who do you think is the hottest athlete?
Beckham! Need I say more?
Who do you think is the hottest actor/actress?
Actor, Johnny Depp, actress, Penelope Cruz
Who do you think is the hottest musician/singer/rapper?
Katy Perry! duh!
Who do you think is the hottest t.v. reality star?
Lauren Conrad =)
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Being able to still stay in contact with all my friends and not lose the ones that mean the most to me =D
Jan 18, 2010
sick and tired of them...
What kind of foul, insecure, RETARD, would undergo so much plastic surgery just to look pretty?! I thought she was insane in the first place getting a boob job and a nose reconstruction, but ten different surgeries to "look" pretty is WAYYY to much. Despite my hatred for her and her "husband" I can admit she was good-looking before it all happened. Now she just looks like a drugged Hilton sister who was run over continuously by a cityrail train.
I know this sounds really cruel, but enough is enough! 2009 was their year, but now its over. No one gives two shits what she and her signficant other do anymore. I don't care if they buy a country and name is "Speidi-land" or adopt kids from China, Malowi, or Tanzania. Whatever they do, its out of pure greed and that should not be rewarded at all. So 2010, I decree the end of Speidi, R.I.P. Do whatever you want with your lives, leave the rest if the human race alone to live in freaking harmony! LET SOMEONE ELSE TAKE YOUR FREAKING SPOT, I DON'T CARE!!! YOU HAD YOUR RUN!!!
Jan 17, 2010
Do you remember...
i believe everyone deserves a second-chance, but it depends on what he did wrong in the first place. Then i would say "stop telephoning meeeeee"
02. Your relationship status?
"ALL THE SINGLE LADIES, now put your hands up"
03. Where did you meet your crush?
i have many =9 .. but for now i'll just say uni
04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
yeah, they didn't exactly bothered to return the favour
05. Do you smoke weed regulary?
everyday man =)
07. Would your parents be mad if you were in a relationship?
who knows? they think i'm in now right now with one of my good friends
08. When was the last time you really laughed?
yesterday, when a workmate squirted tomato sauce in my managers face by "accident"
09. Something's wrong: first girl/s you turn to?
mum or my sister. or anna min =D
10. First guy/s you'd go to?
11. Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you didn't even do?
hope not =S
12. Angry at anyone?
i don't like to hold grudges
13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
rather off being just friends =)
14. When was the last time you cried really hard?
don't really remember but i think maybe year 12?
15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
chyeah! my close friends, DUH!
16. Say you were given a pregnancy test right now. What's the result?
you wish =P
17. Who was the last person you talked to for more than 10 mins on the phone
well, an actual conversation jommel, by text message SUNNY SAINI!!!
18. What is your favorite song?
Thinking of you by Katy Perry
19. Do you like Red Bull?
with vodka, chyeah!
20. How many people can you tell just about everything to?
as an estimate, five
21. Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
22. Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?
i remember actually holding hands with anyone besides my nieces and nephews when we're crossing the street =S
23. Describe your life in one word?
24. What emoticon would you use to describe your life?
25. Have anything that belongs to an ex? (ex-partner, ex-bestfriend.)?
umm .. probably, just cant find it under all the trash in my room
26. Can you honestly say you've had a sleepover with the opposite sex?
27. Do you rebound?
umm, no
28. Ever cheated on someone?
would never!
29. What would you do if you found out the person you like was in a relationship?
like i said, we're better off as friends. and most people i like already have girlfriends =P
30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
no, just as strange and stupid as always
31. Honestly, who's numbers do you have memorized?
only people in my family, CBF remembering other numbers
32. Is it hard to make you laugh?
i laugh at anything
33. Who was the last person to make you mad?
mix between my sister and workmate
34. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?
what ex?
35. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms?
my mums?
36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
they've called what i cook scrumptious, but not me =P
37. Would you like to put a night on repeat, and live it forever?
never like to live in the past
38. Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?
ahhh yeah =), two to be exact
39. Is your best friend a slut?
hehehehe, maybe ;)
40. Is smoking pot a turn off?
smoking in general is a turn off for me
41. Are you happy with life right now?
i guess so
43. Are you still in love with your ex?
what ex?!
44. Have you ever been the "other person" in a relationship?
45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
not exactly
46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
don't think i have
47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in?
48. Where is your best friend/s?
at home? hopefully sleeping =P
49. Something you're happy about?
that i'm not fired
50. How is your heart lately?
skipping beats every now and then
2010 = new friends, new experiences, new turmoils, new trials, new triumphs, new music and new MOVIES!!! If there is one thing I look forward to in a new year is the anticipation of new movies and to watch the creative minds of talented directors all over the world.
If anyone realised last year, the entertainment world was filled with the vampire-craze. Whether it was the Twilight franchise, brain-washing young girls all over the world, or the mini-series of True Blood and Vampire Diaries. I believe 2010 is the year of the werewolf =). Enough pale skined folk who sparkle in the sunlight and feast on animals to survive, its the time of the werewolf, rampaging the night, howling at the full moon and transforming back into human form with no clothes on. WOO!
I got into watching Avatar: The Last Airbender a couple of years ago when I had to babysit my nephew. He used to always like watching Nickelodeon after school and it was always in this order, 3:00pm - Fairly Odd Parents, 3:30pm - Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, 4:00pm - Avatar 4:30pm - Spongebob Squarepants, 5:00pm - Ben 10. Within those couple of hours I would either attempt homework or watching with my nephew. Avatar isn't such a bad show. The concept of the whole earth vs. fire, water vs. fire, air vs. fire theme was very intriguing. When I heard they were planning to remake the short series into a movie, I didn't know what to believe. How could they recreate Appa? Who was going to pay Aang? Can't wait to see what M. Night Shyamalan can come with.
There's no big particular reason why I want to watch Valentine's Day, I just like the whole "all-star cast" part of it all. I don't understand why a director would choose to make twenty or so "A-lister" celebrites working on the same movie. I think it destroys the true meaning of the movie with all the craze of the celebrites overshadowing the movie itself.
Beauty and the Beast was one of my favourite Disney films (after Little Mermaid and Aladdin). The new remake with Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Anne Hudgen suprised me. I thought, Alex Pettyfer could do it. He has that whole bad boy appeal to him, but at the same time the pretty boy with those golden locks. But when I heard Vanessa Hudgens I thought, oh my, this girl is never going to be able to venture out on her own without the support of Disney or Disney related projects or anything which won't show her true talent (even though I don't really think she has any). Her boyfriend seems to be doing well at it, sort of. But Beastly looks spectacular, Alex Pettyfer looks UGLY and scary.
Nine has been getting some bad ratings recently, so I don't know what to think. But the fact that it's a musical makes me want to watch it. Kate Hudson apparently CAN sing and dance, bit of a shock there to be honest.
Overall, I think this maybe an okay year for movies, not as good as 2008 and 2009, but still up there.
Jan 16, 2010
One guilty post
There are many pains in the world. But most people tend to picture pain as a physical aspect. Yet, psychological pain is the worst feelings that no fourty storey high fall, or gun shot could ever beat. The pain on places upon themselves from any act. Guilt.
I've had this psychological pain within me for my whole life. If it's injuring a child, having them being sent to the hospital and to live on with their scars or from simply breaking something and not having the courage to take responsibility or confess, I've been there many times. It's not the actual incident which sends me into the emotional whirlpool of despair, but the afterevents. Like having to see the scars which the child bears on them bare body, having to look at it everyday and think, I did that, I caused not only this child so much pain and suffering, but also their family too, or having someone of highly authority having to take the responsibility for my actions because, it is their responsibility to unsure I do not do anything wrong. It's those moments where my heart completely stops and the guilt kicks in.
What makes it worse is when someone, an outsider, I guess you could say, decides its their duty to make me feel awful so what I did, to constantly remind me, you did this, be careful, don't touch anything, we don't want a repeat of last time. Each word is literally like several knives continually stabbing my heart. No one understands, I am terribly sorry and I know I'm an awful person for doing it, but there is no need to remind me of my actions. They do not understand that the guilt alone is painful.
The aftermath kind of relieves the stress and guilt off my chest, but there is still that tiny wound in my heart which still carries the burden of that event. Seeing the scars on the child that I injured about three or four years ago breaks my heart. Having to look into the eyes of my superiors and tell them that I am truly sorry and that they do not place the blame on others is painful. Deep down inside, I can still sense the parents of the little child's instincts when they see me. Although it was long ago and it was an accident, I can sense their hesitation and worry for their child. I still do not know what is going to happen with the other situation though. I fear having to go back there and see what the aftermath of my accident is. But I pray, so much that they do not place the blame on others for my stupid accident.
Guilt is something that will always remain with you. No matter what you do, no matter how much you apologize and confess your wrong, it is always there. Either in the eyes of an outsider, the words of the victims or the hole in your heart which gets bigger and bigger with every fault you do in life.
Jan 7, 2010
"everyone pretend to be normal"
My sister and mum were having an argument. My sister was telling my mum that she doesn't know when to shut her mouth (which is true, to be honest) and my mum was trying to apologize and telling my sister to pretty much, build a bridge and get over it. It had to do with an auntie of mine, who had split from her husband a couple of months ago. It had to do more with the husband and his new girlfriend. And my mum being who she was, even though she was unaware, asked my auntie about it, not knowing how it would upset her deeply. And my sister being confronting and outspoken, told off my mum for having no consideration about others feelings.
The argument continued all the way from Quakers Hill back home. It soon turned very awkward when my sister confronted my mum about traumatizing her as a child. I don't want to go deep into that, but pretty much mother, being who she was, told all our cousins and relatives about my sisters situation. And like I said, it traumatized her. I can remember the words my mum told my sister, "HEH! GET OVER IT MON!"
It was just such an awkward and uncomfortable car ride home. Dad was busy driving and since he is half-deaf probably couldn't hear half the things that were being said, but me with my supersonic hearing, heard everything and just wanted to smack my mum and sister. Deep down inside I was hoping, begging in my seat that my dad would step in and say something! I knew I would be shut down if I said anything.
What's with me and awkward situations? It's been happening a lot lately, like the busride to work, with the foreign ladies screaming at one another, and then the Aboriginal couple on the busride home having a lovers quarrel. My life is just circulated with all these strange but memorable adventures. Maybe it's a sign about how the new year will be for me.
Jan 2, 2010
Welcome 2010
I guess what sort of ruined my new years experience this year was the fact that I had to go to work at 11am the next day, boo hoo. But it kind of made me happy in a way, for two reasons...double pay (yes!) and that it was my last shift in the hell-hole I call East Blacktown Red Rooster, and back to Westpoint Red Rooster with the rest of my workmates, whom I have learnt to call friends now. The other day, my boss Tammy fired a couple of people from the Westpoint store. My manager at East Blacktown wouldn't tell me who got fired, but in the back of my head I kept saying, please don't fire my friends. I only have a couple there, but still, you never know. And next thing I know, two of my friends got fired. Boo hoo. One of them, I used to talk a lot too, but was also a very annoying and talkative person. So talkative that I would purposely hide in the freezer just to now hear their voice echoing in the kitchen, but I still called a friend. The other was with me in the kitchen most of the time and although I didn't talk to this person much, we always had a good time out back with the rest of the kitchenhand crew. But I guess it's just business.
So, every year people do this small tradition over the world where they attempt to uphold a promise or goal to themselves to achieve over the year before the next known as a new year's resolution. Some of the resoultions are all the same and cliche, like to lose weight, or to be try a be a better saver or a better lover. I personally couldn't think of a new year's resolution. Most people who make resolutions, just end up breaking it or are unable to keep it up. So I thought, I would keep mine simple and achieveable. To become a nicer person to every person and take more pictures of all life's memories (cliche i know =P).