Dec 7, 2010

Day 12

"List your whole day"

  • 12:50am - made some popcorn and watched the marathon of Jersey Shore season 1 on MTV
  • 2am - went to bed listening to Bruno Mars
  • 11:20am - woke up from an annoying prank caller
  • 11:21am - realised uni results were released 21 minutes ago
  • 11:30am - waiting impatiently for results to come up. nothing.
  • 11:45am - uni results finally come up. 3 distinctions and a pass, averaging distinction for this semester =D
  • 12pm: facebook
  • 1pm: ate late breakfast/lunch
  • 1:25pm: washed the dishes and used exercise bike for a bit
  • 1:40pm: played Sims 3
  • 3:30pm: mum came home with snacks =)
  • 6pm: parents left for concert, leaving me and my sister chicken king for dinner
  • 6:05pm: watching valentines day with the sister
  • 7:20pm: gave up on valentines day and waited for the Oprah special on Sound of Music
  • 7:55pm: writing what i did at 7.55pm

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