Dec 9, 2010

Day 14

"Your earliest memory"

Don't remember how old I was at the time, but I went to a sleep over at a cousins house. My family and I were living in Dee Why, up in Northern Beaches and it was just tradition that the girl cousins would all sleep over at one another's houses and just watch movies and such. Anyway, slept in one of my cousins room on the mattress with my sister and two older cousins. Don't know what exactly happened during the night, but in the morning my uncle was cleaning up the room and came out screaming in Tagalog, what the heck is this?!?! Turns out he ate something, humans aren't supposed to eat. There was this, brown looking log, almost resembling a Mars Bar sitting on top of the mattress and out of curiosity, he eats it. Little does he know, I kinda shat myself the night before =P. That's one of my earliest memories

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