Dec 16, 2010


I'd like to take the time to vent our my emotions about this day...

Ok, so it starts off pretty okay. Woke up to some lovely messages from my beloved Cesar who always cheers me up with his little sarcastic messages and his adorable voicemails that are always longer than they are supposed to be. Anyway, texted a couple more people knowing that their HS results and ATAR's are released today. Some disappointed, others ecstatic, but overall I am proud of them all. Twenty minutes to get ready and catch my bus, mum tells me to hang the clothes up, its drizzling outside. Is she serious? It's raining and she wants me to hang the clothes up? Oh well, her loss. Ten minutes to go till my bus arrives, still haven't eaten breakfast yet, but its ready. Burn my fingers on the sandwich press. Five minutes to go till my bus comes, massive stomach pains. Stuff it, run to the bus stop. It's actually on time for once.

So I'm at Westpoint around noon and decide to walk around a bit, explore, do a little stalking on a certain someone at an electronics store ;). He's working today, goodie. That has remotely made my day. 12.25pm, decide its about time to walk to work. 12.30pm, walk in, my boss looks at me like, wtf are you doing here?

"I start at 12.30, like the roster says, yeah?"

Check the roster out, 16.00 - 22.00. WTF?!?! When did it change? I even had it written on my phone, THURSDAY: 12.30 - 17.00.

"Everyone knows that once I've made the roster, I don't change it". Well I'm sorry boss, but YOU DID CHANGE IT! Not only does he claim that he didn't change the roster around, I had proof. I wrote on my phone, THURSDAY: 12.30 - 17.00 and TUESDAY: 14.00 - 21.00. The "new" roster now says THURSDAY: 16.00 - 22.00, MONDAY: 14.00 - 18.00 and TUESDAY: 13.00 - 21.00. Ok, now I can excuse the change in times, but now I'm working another day? I'm not complaining, but when you change the roster around like that, and I know I'm only supposed to work two days, that is where I get aggravated. IF YOUR GOING TO CHANGE THE ROSTER AROUND, TELL ME! THIS IS BOGUS!!

12.35pm, I decide I am not going to spend another three hours in Westpoint, trying to not spend my money. So I decide I'm going home. 12.40pm, it looks dark and gloomy outside, oh no, its going to rain soon, but it doesn't bother me, because I am already pissed enough as it is. 12.50pm, on the bus on my way home. About halfway on my way home on Pank Parade, it starts drizzling again. It's all good, a little rain never hurt anyone. As we head back onto Richmond Rd, oh dear no, it's hailing. FML! It's ok, I can run fast enough to avoid getting heavily drenched on. 1pm, got off the bus, FARK! It's worse than I thought. I take two steps off the bus and I am already drenched in rain, run home I thought. Yet I only realised now, that running in the rain actually gets you wetter (known fact, apparently on Mythbusters), so stupid move of me. What made it worse was one of my old teachers drove past and saw me, drenched in rain, running home.

1.57pm, finished ranting on about my day.

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