Dec 17, 2010

Day 22

"how have you changed in the past two years?"
Two years ago, around this very time, I had finished high school, received all my results and UAI for the HSC, no job and still very close with my friends. As I look back, I've lost some of my closest friends (to a degree), HSC results don't mean squat to me anymore, the tears I wasted sobbing over my UAI were just childish now and I've had two jobs.

How have I changed? I guess now I've become a maturer person. The little things that I once made big deals about, no longer affect me as they used to. Yes I'm still in university, but I guess without the spoon-feeding and the constant reminders to do certain assignments or certain tasks or homework in general (which I never do regardless if they say we should or not), I've become more independent. I've learnt and realised now that, there isn't going to be someone there to wait on me hand and foot and that when I age, I must learn these things now so that when I do plan on having a family of my own, I can walk into any task confident in myself.

Some people have also said I've become more wise. I personally don't call it wisdom, but more or less, common sense. My younger friends come to me for advice and they sit in awe as I speak like I've had years of experience in these type of situations (mainly boy problems, as always). When really, I've had no experience and speaking from common sense. So how has I changed from the past two years? I've acquired a greater sense of common sense.

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