Dec 29, 2010

Day 30

"highs and lows of this month"
Christmas is definitely one of the main highs of this month. On the religious side and the gathering part of it all. I hardly get to see my cousins and relatives; we've all gotten distant lately and since my family is the smallest out of the rest of our cousins we're often the ones left out of everything (my cousins also say its because they think my dad is scary =P). It was just really nice to spend Christmas with my cousins, playing scattergories, talking about whats going on with our lives and swimming in the pool.

Christmas this year though has also been kinda, slow? Dead? Uneventful? It just seems like another ordinary day of the week. I mean everyone spends so much money buying presents and receiving presents that no one really nowadays understands the true meaning of Christmas, or should I say CHRISTmas. The birth of Christ. It's Jesus's birthday. And I understand that Christmas is the holiday of giving, but more people just seem to be more into the receiving bit, and the gifts people get are getting more and more extravagant every year. Like my nephew last year got a skateboard or a bike (one of them), this year he got this Android like iPad. Let's just say something similar to the iPad. He is 13 and he got something that extreme for Christmas. When I was 13 I remember getting "Guess Who" the board game for Christmas. To me this year, Christmas was just another reason for parents to spoil their children rotten. That was a definite low of this month. That people had lost the true meaning of Christmas. The birth of Christ.

Another high of this month was getting to hang out with my old high school friends. Especially the other day where four of us spent five hours (with a twenty minute break) playing "Halo", like we used to back in high school after sports on Thursday afternoons. It was just nice to sit back and reminisce about everything. I love my friends so much, I hate how distant we've become over the past two years.

One that I am looking forward for is New Years. A new year, a new start; new adventures, new challenges; meeting new people and all of the above. I really hope 2011 is going to be a good year for me. Fingers crossed.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years to everyone =D.

Day 29

"goal for the next 30 days"
- lose those Xmas kilos (and everything else =P)
- sort of this business of my client for next year for uni, so screwed for leaving it last minute
- keep saving my dayum money
- enjoy the last bit of the holidays I have till I have to start this dumb 3rd year project
- figure out what I really wanna do with my uni degree
- try to hang out with ALL my friends during the holidays
- work work and more work

Dec 23, 2010

"It is a fair, even-headed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour"

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Day 28

"something that you miss"
Working with my old red rooster buddies and hanging out like old times with my high school mates. Working at the pet store is completely different than red rooster. Don't get me wrong, I love working at the pet store, meeting new people, hearing different stories about people with their pets and playing around with the dogs and cats, but what I really miss is actually working with people who I can talk with and joke around with every day. At the pet store, it's just me and the manager whereas at red rooster its me, the manager and everyone else who would be working that day. I got so close to everyone that they were like family to me. It was great just fooling around with them, telling stories and just being plain stupid with one another. I still do visit them (because to get to my work, I pass red rooster) and we all hang out, but I still miss the actual working part.

My old high school friends and I do not really hang out anymore. We have mainly all separated into smaller groups and have done our own separate things. I miss the days when at lunch we played UNO and spoons and talked about nonsense and joked around about everything. Now a days everyone is too busy, either working, already have plans with other friends or just plain tired from the night before or from work or some other mumbo jumbo. I just wish all the drama we went through would end and we could all hang out with one another like we used to.

Dec 22, 2010

Day 27

"a problem you once had"
It's more of a problem I actually have now. I tend to be very gullible, especially when it comes to guys and relationships. I haven't had any type of "those" relationships, but whenever I fall for a guy, I think the world of them. I believe that we have a connection that no one else shares; that we talk into the night about our hobbies and interests or just about other things that amuse us. When we are together it's just magical because we have inside jokes, we continue on our conversations from the previous night and joke and play/flirt around with each other.

But the problem here is, whenever they do something bad to me and I know it, I ALWAYS give them a second chance and let them get away with it. I believe in change. Everyone can change for the better because of that one special person. And for some odd reason I believe that one special person is always me. I can recall this happening at least three times in the past two years. You'd think I would learn from past mistakes, but I'm the type person who, when the opportunity comes, I latch on and won't let go until I am told so myself by the guy. Then again, I'm alway the "go-to-girl" who the guy consoles in whenever his girlfriend isn't around. I personally am 50-50 when it comes to situations like it. I don't mind the innocent flirting, but when you go overboard and expect me to not say anything to your girlfriend and expect me to be ok with you leading me on like that, then that is when I go psycho.

So problem I once and still have, being gullible.

Dec 21, 2010

Day 26

"what kind of person attracts you?"

Jokes. First and foremost, I want a MAN not a boy. But in all honesty, I look for guys who a great sense of humour. Even though I tend to laugh at everything and at the most inappropriate times, I want a relationship that is based upon friendship and to talk and joke about things like I would with my friends.

I also look for guys who are tall ;). I am tall myself, and I personally don't really like that. It's a pain to wear heels with my friends who are WAY shorter than I, which makes me look like a giant. So I want man who looks down at me (not in a bad way), so that we can look all cute with me on my toes to reach him.

I want a guy who can prioritise. I don't like couples where they completely disregard their friends and spend almost every waking hour with each other. It's cute (well really not) that they like to spend time with each other, but thats how couples lose friends.

I like guys with great fashion sense. Not too branded, but know how to dress themselves in a respectable manner. NO pants hanging below the ass, NO rat tails, NO tracksuit pants with rubber shoes. So pretty much nothing like a LAD.

Day 25

"someone you fascinates you and why"
That's actually quite a personal one, he is one of my friends who I used to work with at Red Rooster. At first I didn't exactly talk to his boy, purely because he was quite .. quiet and awkward I guess you could say. He used to turn up to work really early and wouldn't start till his shift started, on the dot. Before he started he would walk back and forth in the store and stretch and do all these weird things. Anyway I guess one day I finally took up the courage to talk to him and make conversation. Turns out he was a nice, interesting guy who has a lot to say about everything and everyone.

Anyway, one day he turned up to work one day and was in tears. He was angry and upset and all that is sad and depressing. And it struck me, not only because I haven't really seen a guy cry before, but this guy who was always talking and laughing with everyone, making jokes and all that jazz was in tears and crying like there everything and everyone in the world hurt him. I heard this story, as to why he was in tears. The things I learnt that day forever changed my perspective on him. He was no longer the awkward boy who stretched during work and talked non sense and walked back and forth in work, he was, as cliche as it sounds, my friend.

But what really fascinates me, is that, through all the adversity he goes through, all the hard times and the depressing moments of his life, he still manages to remain strong and live life to the fullest. He doesn't take shit from anyone and lives by his own rules.

Dec 19, 2010

Day 24

"your favourite movie and what it's about"
Moulin Rouge. Epic musical is the eternal message of:

"the greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Nicole isn't exactly the best singer, but definitely good enough to play the role of Satin. It's all about four elements, truth, beauty, freedom and above all things love. Typical poor boy loves rich girl story but with a musical twist. I am a big fan of musicals and this one touched my heart.

Dec 18, 2010

Day 23

"give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive"

every girl loves a bad boy ;)

on the side, she needs a good laugh. quirky yet sophisticated ;)

down-to-earthness is always essential ;)

men with accents are a plus ;)

older men as more "experienced" ;)

Dec 17, 2010

How To Be An Explorer Of The World

Day 22

"how have you changed in the past two years?"
Two years ago, around this very time, I had finished high school, received all my results and UAI for the HSC, no job and still very close with my friends. As I look back, I've lost some of my closest friends (to a degree), HSC results don't mean squat to me anymore, the tears I wasted sobbing over my UAI were just childish now and I've had two jobs.

How have I changed? I guess now I've become a maturer person. The little things that I once made big deals about, no longer affect me as they used to. Yes I'm still in university, but I guess without the spoon-feeding and the constant reminders to do certain assignments or certain tasks or homework in general (which I never do regardless if they say we should or not), I've become more independent. I've learnt and realised now that, there isn't going to be someone there to wait on me hand and foot and that when I age, I must learn these things now so that when I do plan on having a family of my own, I can walk into any task confident in myself.

Some people have also said I've become more wise. I personally don't call it wisdom, but more or less, common sense. My younger friends come to me for advice and they sit in awe as I speak like I've had years of experience in these type of situations (mainly boy problems, as always). When really, I've had no experience and speaking from common sense. So how has I changed from the past two years? I've acquired a greater sense of common sense.

Dec 16, 2010

Day 21

"one of your favourite t.v shows"
I have quite a few favourite shows, but I guess my all time favourite t.v show is FRIENDS. I didn't really like it when it was actually airing on television on channel nine, but that was purely because half the jokes I did not understand (my age and level of maturity at the time was to blame). But now, everything makes sense. Chandler's sarcasm, the sexual innuendos, the guest appearances of "certain" people and all of the above. But mostly what I love about the show is that no matter how many times you watch certain episodes, the hilarity of it will never cease. Despite the recurring plots of Rachel getting back with Ross, Rachel breaking up with Ross, Janice popping up everywhere and whatever it always remains funny.


I'd like to take the time to vent our my emotions about this day...

Ok, so it starts off pretty okay. Woke up to some lovely messages from my beloved Cesar who always cheers me up with his little sarcastic messages and his adorable voicemails that are always longer than they are supposed to be. Anyway, texted a couple more people knowing that their HS results and ATAR's are released today. Some disappointed, others ecstatic, but overall I am proud of them all. Twenty minutes to get ready and catch my bus, mum tells me to hang the clothes up, its drizzling outside. Is she serious? It's raining and she wants me to hang the clothes up? Oh well, her loss. Ten minutes to go till my bus arrives, still haven't eaten breakfast yet, but its ready. Burn my fingers on the sandwich press. Five minutes to go till my bus comes, massive stomach pains. Stuff it, run to the bus stop. It's actually on time for once.

So I'm at Westpoint around noon and decide to walk around a bit, explore, do a little stalking on a certain someone at an electronics store ;). He's working today, goodie. That has remotely made my day. 12.25pm, decide its about time to walk to work. 12.30pm, walk in, my boss looks at me like, wtf are you doing here?

"I start at 12.30, like the roster says, yeah?"

Check the roster out, 16.00 - 22.00. WTF?!?! When did it change? I even had it written on my phone, THURSDAY: 12.30 - 17.00.

"Everyone knows that once I've made the roster, I don't change it". Well I'm sorry boss, but YOU DID CHANGE IT! Not only does he claim that he didn't change the roster around, I had proof. I wrote on my phone, THURSDAY: 12.30 - 17.00 and TUESDAY: 14.00 - 21.00. The "new" roster now says THURSDAY: 16.00 - 22.00, MONDAY: 14.00 - 18.00 and TUESDAY: 13.00 - 21.00. Ok, now I can excuse the change in times, but now I'm working another day? I'm not complaining, but when you change the roster around like that, and I know I'm only supposed to work two days, that is where I get aggravated. IF YOUR GOING TO CHANGE THE ROSTER AROUND, TELL ME! THIS IS BOGUS!!

12.35pm, I decide I am not going to spend another three hours in Westpoint, trying to not spend my money. So I decide I'm going home. 12.40pm, it looks dark and gloomy outside, oh no, its going to rain soon, but it doesn't bother me, because I am already pissed enough as it is. 12.50pm, on the bus on my way home. About halfway on my way home on Pank Parade, it starts drizzling again. It's all good, a little rain never hurt anyone. As we head back onto Richmond Rd, oh dear no, it's hailing. FML! It's ok, I can run fast enough to avoid getting heavily drenched on. 1pm, got off the bus, FARK! It's worse than I thought. I take two steps off the bus and I am already drenched in rain, run home I thought. Yet I only realised now, that running in the rain actually gets you wetter (known fact, apparently on Mythbusters), so stupid move of me. What made it worse was one of my old teachers drove past and saw me, drenched in rain, running home.

1.57pm, finished ranting on about my day.

Dec 15, 2010

Day 20

"how important you think education is"
Education is VERY important. But to me, education isn't just the things we learn in school or from the books we read from in the library; it's also about the life skills we learn from experiences. Gaining education from the things we do in the big wide world and teaching them to others, like how to ride a bike, then teaching your son, daughter, brother or sister; or learning how to deal with life threatening situations that cannot be taught in books.

Education does get us far in life, but again, not just the education we get taught in school, but things we learn out of school. Teaches us how to survive and live a better and longer life.

The things we learn now, and the things we pass down to our children will forever be vital to the next generations to come.

Day 19

"disrespecting your parents"
There are many ways to disrespect your parents, but some of the main things I think are a no no, are...
1. Calling your parents by their first name
2. Disobeying commands
3. Being told a second or third time to do something that has been asked of.
4. Sneaking out/Not letting them know you're going out until last minute to avoid rejection

Kids these days take their parents for granted. They don't understand that parents are there for support and protection. Parents are vital for any family and if we don't treat them the way we would like to be treated, we are for sure going to lose them and regret everything.

Day 18

LOL, keep missing these things

"your beliefs"
I really don't know where to begin with this one. Well I guess first and foremost, everyone is entitled to their opinion regardless of the colour of their skin, the language they speak, they gender, their sexuality, religion and all of the above. What I can't tolerate is when people intrude and interrupt others in mid conversation and people who will always argue just to prove a point. Yes, this kind of contradicts my belief, but I do believe there is a fine line with freedom of speech and going overboard. For example, I had a friend the other day who I forgot the name of their dog. I'm not really close to this person, but I have heard of the dogs name every now and then, it's not exactly something we talk about everyday. Anyway, this person, as always went on arguing with me saying I should know the name of their best friend and that the topic at hand is not stupid (I realised that every conversation I have with this fellow ends up as an argument over the stupidest things, which I did not mean intentionally). The conversation then went on and I was getting tired and frustrated with this fellow, later on they then question how I got my job (I work at a pet store). The conversation that led to this massive explosion was when they mentioned how I should be considerate of dogs. I am thank you very much, knowing the name of someones dog is not my number one priority.

So moral of the story, when the point has been proven, it does not need to be extended any further than it should be.

I also believe in being open-minded. Many people I know these days are bitter and mislead, especially the young ones. I do not know how many conversations I have had with teenagers who have complained about their parents grounding them, or their friends doing something awful to them, or their teachers acting totally mental. They are very one-sided which frustrates me. They don't seem to understand that every story has two sides to it. One of course the person narrating it and the other as the person reading it. Teenagers are the readers. Another example, I have a friend who I told a story to about a boy we work with. She believes I am 100% right and he is 100% wrong and that he should suffer for all the wrongs he has done to me. What she doesn't understand is his part of the story. I tell her to not take sides but still she does because she thinks its the nobel thing to do, considering we are best friends. But I prefer she not be biased and not take sides, when this is clearly my issue.

I have other beliefs, but can't seem to think of more off the top of my head at this time (1.31am).

Dec 12, 2010

Day 17

"your highs and lows of this past year"
Nelson Bay in February with David, Cesar, Andrea and Michal. So many memories, had such a blast.

Everytime the old Tubs group met up for dinner or lunch or movie night. I missed those days so much and its always nice to see my friends back together again, after most of us kind of lost contact through the years.

Red Rooster outings. Those people were like my third family (first being my own; second being my Tubs). They always made me feel young again and always knew how to have a blast.

Finishing uni for the year.

Meeting new people and finding new people to stalk ;), a.k.a, Dicksmith

All those stupid fights we had up at Nelsons Bay, well not really me, more like Andrea and Michal.

Losing contact with my Tubs. We always said we'd keep in contact, but it just seems like certain people keep in contact with each other, rather than a whole group thing which is more upsetting.

The stupid fights that depressed the heck out of me whenever a certain friend from Red Rooster and I got into a fight. Why can't boys admit they are wrong? Why can't they ever apologise? Its freaking ridiculous. I don't know how many tears I wasted trying to get that boys attention. Never again.

Uni. Nothing more needs to be said.

Day 16

"where do you see your best friend in 10 years?"
I actually have multiple best friends, well really about two or three. So I guess I'll discuss two, Cesar and Josie.

Cesar will most definitely be doing something that makes lots of money and still in university studying to gain his Ph. D. Knowing him, he'll be happy as always, chilling with everyone, making new friends where ever he goes and I think, be living somewhere in the City. Maybe with me, maybe not with me. Either way I know that he will succeed in whatever he does and that our bond will forever remain strong.

Now Josie, will hopefully be gone from Red Rooster =P, she'll be travelling around the world or around Asia, absorbing the cultural differences, speaking Japanese and translating for people in high power. Maybe, she'll have a boyfriend, she's never been the type to be boyfriend orientated, but I know she'll be lucky in that area. She'll be living in an apartment somewhere not too far from the city, but will close to home where her family lives. She'll finally own those dogs she's always wanted and get everything she's ever tried to save for. May take some time, but she'll get there ;)

Day 15

Whoops, missed a couple of days
"your views on mainstream music"
I honestly have nothing against mainstream music. I like mainstream music, but I listen to music depending on the type of mood I'm in. I listen to a lot of "my generation" music. So people like Spice Girls, Nsync*, Backstreet Boys (unfortunately) and all that mumbo jumbo of my time. I've also been listening to a lot of remakes or covers by Glee and from what Glee remakes I usually go back to the original. To me music is for reminiscing; the good times, the bad times, the times when I really wanted to punch certain people in the face and the times when I just needed someones shoulder to cry on. I do listen to mainstream music, and I really don't care if I'm a follower or whatever.

Dec 9, 2010

Day 14

"Your earliest memory"

Don't remember how old I was at the time, but I went to a sleep over at a cousins house. My family and I were living in Dee Why, up in Northern Beaches and it was just tradition that the girl cousins would all sleep over at one another's houses and just watch movies and such. Anyway, slept in one of my cousins room on the mattress with my sister and two older cousins. Don't know what exactly happened during the night, but in the morning my uncle was cleaning up the room and came out screaming in Tagalog, what the heck is this?!?! Turns out he ate something, humans aren't supposed to eat. There was this, brown looking log, almost resembling a Mars Bar sitting on top of the mattress and out of curiosity, he eats it. Little does he know, I kinda shat myself the night before =P. That's one of my earliest memories

Dec 8, 2010

Day 13

"Somewhere you'd like to move or visit"

As cliche as this sounds, I'd love to go to New York. I want to know if it's as bad as movies depict. The way I see it, New York is dirty, crowded, polluted and everything in between. Theres hobo's around every corner, begging for cash or rummaging through dumpsters. People are in a rush to either catch the subway home, get to work or go shopping. I know that sounds very stereotypical of me, but I just want to know if its what people say.

I really wanna see Soho village and the so called "upper east side", if its all its cracked up to be. I probably wouldn't want to live there and be separated from everyone at home, but New York is definitely on my list of where to visit. Especially during Christmas

Dec 7, 2010

Day 12

"List your whole day"

  • 12:50am - made some popcorn and watched the marathon of Jersey Shore season 1 on MTV
  • 2am - went to bed listening to Bruno Mars
  • 11:20am - woke up from an annoying prank caller
  • 11:21am - realised uni results were released 21 minutes ago
  • 11:30am - waiting impatiently for results to come up. nothing.
  • 11:45am - uni results finally come up. 3 distinctions and a pass, averaging distinction for this semester =D
  • 12pm: facebook
  • 1pm: ate late breakfast/lunch
  • 1:25pm: washed the dishes and used exercise bike for a bit
  • 1:40pm: played Sims 3
  • 3:30pm: mum came home with snacks =)
  • 6pm: parents left for concert, leaving me and my sister chicken king for dinner
  • 6:05pm: watching valentines day with the sister
  • 7:20pm: gave up on valentines day and waited for the Oprah special on Sound of Music
  • 7:55pm: writing what i did at 7.55pm

Day 11

Missed a couple of days =P

"Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first ten songs that pop up"

- Dance Dance by Fallout Boy
- Last Night by As yet
- Captains and Cruise Ships by Owl City
- Peacock by Katy Perry
- Janie's Got a Gun by Aerosmith
- Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
- Only the Good Die Young by Glee
- Long Time Coming by Oliver James
- Stuck in the Middle by Jay Sean
- Angel by Kate Voegele

Dec 4, 2010

"Are you going to be playing, for the pure thrill of unreluctant desire?"

From "Dash & Lily's Book of Dares" by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan

Dec 3, 2010

Day 10

"Discuss your first love and your first kiss"
Don't believe I've ever had a first love, and my first kiss, well that's just for me to know and for anyone out there, to never find out ;).

Let's just say when I do fall in love with someone (if true love can ever be achieved) then I hope that this guy will go beyond the boundaries on what it means to be a boyfriend. Not just the typical roses and chocolates or holding hands in public or affectionate displays in public. I want him to message me good morning beautiful, every morning before I wake up; I want him to surprise me after work by just being there; I want him to not act like such a tough guy around me, but rather someone who is first and foremost my friend; I want to have endless conversations about the stupidest things that no one else understands; I don't want some typical love story; I want him to be way more creative than those 80's movies where the guy is standing outside her window with a stereo pumping up some cheesy love song; in short, I want someone who is cheesy when it comes to picking up girls, but when it comes down to the real business, doesn't refer to me as his girlfriend, but his best friend.

Be Inspired

Today I got the chance to see the new Westfield on Pitt Street in the city. First impression?

"This is some fancy shamancy shit..."

As soon as you walk in, or at least as soon as I walked in, I felt unclean and I guess a better word for it would be, unworthy. Unworthy to stand, let alone look at clothes, jewellery, watches, bags and all that other mumbo jumbo. One shirt at one of those stores was probably worth all my clothes COMBINED in my wardrobe. There were my usual kind of stores like Tree of Life and Supre (not really) but from where I was standing and observing, everything was, for the better word, expensive!

But there was this one store, a stationary store called kikki.K. More sophisticated than Typo, and more multipurpose. I LOVED all the stationary there. For some reason I have some weird like for fruit on stationary, so as soon as I saw the apple shaped stamp,the strawberry post-it notes, notebooks decorated in fruit decor, pencil cases, pens and bags covered with fruit, I felt like a kid in a candy store. The short combinations of bursts of laughter and high pitched squealing was quite embarrassing but enjoyable. Have not done that in a while. All in all, had a lovely day exploring the city, shopping around and taking photos =)
"Nothing happens unless first we dream"
Carl Sandberg

Day 9

"How you hope your future will be like"
Did I not answer a similar question like this?
Well to recap, hopefully successful in whatever field I have finally chosen. High paying job, not spending the rest of my adult life worrying about paying bills; Travelling the world, exploring new destinations and cultures; Hopefully had some kids with my lovely husband ;), but before I get there, have some success with the guys ;). A most of all, alive and in contact with everyone I know and love

Dec 1, 2010

Day 8

"A moment you felt more satisfied with life"
Haven't exactly experienced that moment yet. It has to be a combination of many, first paid job, group of new friends, finishing first year of uni, graduating year 12. All that mumbo jumbo. Can't say I'm satisfied yet, purely because I don't know how it feels like to be fully satisfied (sounds wrong O.o)